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Why am I getting this error? AttributeError: type object 'bubbleSort' has no attribute �


I'm trying to make my own bubble-sort algorithm for learning purposes. I'm doing it by:

  • Making a random array
  • Checking if the first two indexes of the array need to be swapped
  • it does this throughout the whole list
  • and does it over and over until when looping through until the end it doesn't need to swap anything anymore then the loop breaks

but when I print any variable in the class it says that the class has no attribute of the variable. this is my code right now

from random import randint

class bubbleSort:
    def __init__(self, size):
        self.size = size # Array size
        self.array = [] # Random array
        self.sorted = self.array # Sorted array
        self.random = 0 # Random number

        self.count = 0
        self.done = False
        self.equal = 0
        while self.count != self.size:
            random = randint(1, self.size)
            if random in self.array:
                self.count  = 1

    def sort(self):
        while self.done != True:
            self.equal = False
            for i in range(self.size):
                if i == self.size:
                    if self.sorted[i] > [self.tmp]:
                        self.equal  = 1
                        if self.equal == self.size:
                            self.done = True
                        self.sorted[i], self.sorted[i   1] = self.sorted[i 1], self.sorted[i]

new = bubbleSort(10)

This is what outputs

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/musab/Documents/Sorting Algorithms/Bubble sort.py", line 38, in <module>
AttributeError: type object 'bubbleSort' has no attribute 'array'

CodePudding user response:

In your case, you have a class called bubbleSort and an instance of this class called new, which you create using new = bubbleSort(10).

Since bubbleSort only refers to the class itself, it has no knowledge of member fields of any particular instance (the fields you create using self.xyz = abc inside of the class functions. And this is good, imagine having two instances

b1 = bubbleSort(10)
b2 = bubbleSort(20)

and you want to access the array of b1, you need to specify this somehow. The way to do it is to call b1.array.

Therefore, in your case you need to print(new.array).

CodePudding user response:

bubbleSort is a class type, each object of this class type has its own array. To access array, one must do it through a class object. __init__ is called when creating a class object.

give the following a try:

bubbleSortObj = bubbleSort(10)  # create a bubbleSort object
print(bubbleSortObj.array)  # print the array before sort
bubbleSortObj.sort()  # sort the array
print(bubbleSortObj.array)  # print the array after sort


  • In __init__ you've got:
self.array = [] # Random array
self.sorted = self.array # Sorted array

In this case, array and sorted point to the same list and changing one would change the other. To make a copy of a list, one approach (among many) is to call sorted = list(array)

  • If there are any local function variables you can remove the self, eg, self.count = 0 can just be count = 0, as it's not needed again once it's used, and doesn't need to be a class member
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