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Separate columns after the nth occurrence of a character


I am a bit puzzled by separating columns using the separate function in tidyr:

My data frame looks like this


df=tibble(col1 = c("2397_A_run379_CTTGTACT_S119_L004_R1_001", 

#> # A tibble: 3 × 1
#>   col1                                   
#>   <chr>                                  
#> 1 2397_A_run379_CTTGTACT_S119_L004_R1_001
#> 2 3779_A_run535_TTATAGCC_S91_L003_R1_001 
#> 3 4958_BV_run685_GCGTACGT_S89_L005_R1_001

Created on 2022-11-11 with reprex v2.0.2

I want to create three dataframes where I separate everything based on the first "_", then based on the second "_" and then by the third "_".

I want something like this:

> df1 
col1   col2
2397  A_run379_CTTGTACT_S119_L004_R1_001
3779  A_run535_TTATAGCC_S91_L003_R1_001 
4958  BV_run685_GCGTACGT_S89_L005_R1_001
> df2 
col1      col2
2397_A   run379_CTTGTACT_S119_L004_R1_001
3779_A   run535_TTATAGCC_S91_L003_R1_001 
4958_BV  run685_GCGTACGT_S89_L005_R1_001
> df3 
col1           col2
2397_A_run379  CTTGTACT_S119_L004_R1_001
3779_A_run535  TTATAGCC_S91_L003_R1_001 
4958_BV_run685 GCGTACGT_S89_L005_R1_001

Any help or guidance are appreciated.

CodePudding user response:

Split all by "_", and paste it back as desired:

s <- strsplit(df$col1, "_")

lapply(1:3, function(i)
          lapply(s, function(j){
              col1 = paste(j[ 1:i ], collapse = "_"),
              col2 = paste(j[ (i   1):length(j) ], collapse = "_")
# [[1]]
#   col1                               col2
# 1 2397 A_run379_CTTGTACT_S119_L004_R1_001
# 2 3779  A_run535_TTATAGCC_S91_L003_R1_001
# 3 4958 BV_run685_GCGTACGT_S89_L005_R1_001
# [[2]]
#      col1                             col2
# 1  2397_A run379_CTTGTACT_S119_L004_R1_001
# 2  3779_A  run535_TTATAGCC_S91_L003_R1_001
# 3 4958_BV  run685_GCGTACGT_S89_L005_R1_001
# [[3]]
#             col1                      col2
# 1  2397_A_run379 CTTGTACT_S119_L004_R1_001
# 2  3779_A_run535  TTATAGCC_S91_L003_R1_001
# 3 4958_BV_run685  GCGTACGT_S89_L005_R1_001

CodePudding user response:

Perhaps there is some regex magic but a "brute-force" approach using tidyr::extract may look like so:


df |>
  extract(col1, into = c("col1", "col2"), "^(.*?)_(.*)$")
#> # A tibble: 3 × 2
#>   col1  col2                              
#>   <chr> <chr>                             
#> 1 2397  A_run379_CTTGTACT_S119_L004_R1_001
#> 2 3779  A_run535_TTATAGCC_S91_L003_R1_001 
#> 3 4958  BV_run685_GCGTACGT_S89_L005_R1_001

df |>
  extract(col1, into = c("col1", "col2"), "^(.*?_.*?)_(.*)$")
#> # A tibble: 3 × 2
#>   col1    col2                            
#>   <chr>   <chr>                           
#> 1 2397_A  run379_CTTGTACT_S119_L004_R1_001
#> 2 3779_A  run535_TTATAGCC_S91_L003_R1_001 
#> 3 4958_BV run685_GCGTACGT_S89_L005_R1_001

df |>
  extract(col1, into = c("col1", "col2"), "^(.*?_.*?_.*?)_(.*)$")
#> # A tibble: 3 × 2
#>   col1           col2                     
#>   <chr>          <chr>                    
#> 1 2397_A_run379  CTTGTACT_S119_L004_R1_001
#> 2 3779_A_run535  TTATAGCC_S91_L003_R1_001 
#> 3 4958_BV_run685 GCGTACGT_S89_L005_R1_001
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