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ASCII text in bash without using banner


I want to get a string from user, for example adem. Then print this out like ascii text. Character should change, too (not only dots it may * - whatever user enters.)

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Here is my bash script. I thought it could be useful if I divide them each row. Then concatenating each letters' own rows for each row.

echo Enter text:
read text
echo Enter character style:
read k

row1=([a]="    $k    " [b]="$k$k$k$k$k" [c]="$k$k$k$k$k")
row2=([a]="$k      $k" [b]="$k      $k" [c]="$k        ")
row3=([a]="$k      $k" [b]="$k$k$k$k$k" [c]="$k        ")
row4=([a]="$k$k$k$k$k" [b]="$k      $k" [c]="$k        ")
row5=([a]="$k      $k" [b]="$k$k$k$k$k" [c]="$k$k$k$k$k")


# Testing echo.
echo " $k    $k     $k  "

echo $satir1[a]

for((i=0; i<=strlen; i  ))
  echostrline1 =${row1[${text:i:1}]}
  echostrline2 =${row2[${text:i:1}]}
  echostrline3 =${row3[${text:i:1}]}
  echostrline4 =${row4[${text:i:1}]}
  echostrline5 =${row5[${text:i:1}]}

echo $echostrline1
echo $echostrline2
echo $echostrline3
echo $echostrline4
echo $echostrline5

I have three problems, here.

  1. First I can not access row1[a] it doesn't work >> echo $satir1[a] (prints last element)
  2. When I run the script It's not printing the way I expected.
  3. If I enter * as a character it prints directory contents.

I tried to change for loop like that.

for((i=0; i<strlen; i  ))
  echostrline1 =" ${satir1[${metin:i:1}]}"
  echostrline2 =" ${satir2[${metin:i:1}]}"
  echostrline3 =" ${satir3[${metin:i:1}]}"
  echostrline4 =" ${satir4[${metin:i:1}]}"
  echostrline5 =" ${satir5[${metin:i:1}]}"

CodePudding user response:

If you paste your script into https://www.shellcheck.net/ and fix the errors there, all your questions should be solved. It is a great tool. Try it!

  1. First I can not access row1[a] it doesn't work >> echo $satir1[a] (prints last element)

Array access in bash does not work unless you add (the otherwise optional) parentheses around the expansion: $satir1[a] --> ${satir1[a]}.

  1. If I enter * as a character it prints directory contents.

Because the echo $echostrline1 at the end is unquoted, special symbols like * and ? are interpreted as glob patterns. Quoting prevents this.

  1. When I run the script It's not printing the way I expected

That's pretty vague. A question like this should make a concrete example. The main problem is probably with the missing quoting in echo $echostrline1 too. Because of word-splitting in unquoted variable expansions x="a b c"; echo $x will be printed as a b c (repeated spaces are squashed).

Also, like markp-fuso commented, the associative arrays have to be explicitly defined as such using declare -A row1=(...)

Btw: ((i=0; i<=strlen; i )) iterates one time too much. E.g. text=abc has three letters, but the loop tries to acces the 0th, 1th, 2nd, and 3rd letter (which does not exist).

Having one array for each letter seems a bit complicated and also makes it harder to change the letter size. Hence, I'd propose below solution:

#! /bin/bash

IFS= read -p"Enter text: " -r text
IFS= read -p"Enter character style: " -n1 -r k
echo; echo

declare -A index=([A]=0 [b]=1 [c]=2 [u]=3)

while IFS=: read -r -a font; do
  for ((i=0; i<${#text}; i  )); do
    printf %s "${glyph//W/$k}"
done << 'EOF'
 WW   :W     :     :       :
W  W  :WWW   : WW  :W   W  :
WWWW  :W  W  :W    :W   W  :
W  W  :WWW   : WW  : WWW   :

Example usage

Enter text: bAcubA
Enter character style: @

@      @@               @      @@
@@@   @  @   @@  @   @  @@@   @  @
@  @  @@@@  @    @   @  @  @  @@@@
@@@   @  @   @@   @@@   @@@   @  @

Implementing the same thing in awk, perl or any other language would be way easier and more efficient than doing it in plain bash. But I think you already know this, and just see this as an exercise in bash. Otherwise you could have used banner, figlet, toilet, or another tool like that.

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