so i have an array like this, that i want to find the unique value with then count:
[ '21000316',
'22000510' ]
is it possible for me to get the unique value and count it from the array without using sort()? and turn it into this value i try some code but only get the count and the unique value separetely:
CodePudding user response:
Probably a better approach but you can create an object and then sort through all array elements adding 1 to the object.
const users = ['1', '1', '2', '3', '3', '3', '3'];
const result = {};
for(const user in users)
result[users[user]] = (result[users[user]] || 0) 1;
CodePudding user response:
let users = [ '21000316',
'22000510' ];
let set = new Set(users);
let res = [...set.keys()].reduce((pre, cur) => {
pre[cur] = users.filter(u => u === cur).length;
return pre;
}, {})
CodePudding user response:
const users =
[ '21000316',
'22000510' ];
console.log(users.reduce((m, k) => { m[k] = m[k] 1 || 1; return m }, {}));