this.form ={
kWhControl: [false, []],
kWhValue: [0, []],
kWhControl: [false, []],
kWhValue: [0, []],
Tried multiple ways but coudn't get what exatly is the right way to do this.
CodePudding user response:
If you use FormBuilder
to generate forms it accepts object generic to define types. You have to pass all the controls, like this:
this.form =<{
kWhControl: FormControl<boolean>,
identified: FormGroup<{
kWhControl: FormControl<boolean>,
kWhValue: FormControl<number>,
You can do some tricks here, if you have repeated structure inside, like this:
type KWhFormGroup = {
kWhControl: FormControl<boolean>;
kWhValue: FormControl<number>;
identified?: FormGroup<KWhFormGroup>;
and then:
this.form =<KWhFormGroup>(
CodePudding user response:
This helped me to resolve my issue
type NewType<T> = [
T | { value: T; disabled: boolean },
(AbstractControlOptions | ValidatorFn | ValidatorFn[])?,
export type FormGroupConfig<T> = {
[P in keyof T]:
T[P] extends object
? FormGroupConfig<T[P]>
: NewType<T[P]>;
CodePudding user response:
Thank you for the answer,
Yeah I have tried that, but I was thinking of having a cleaned interface in place to define my form type and a generic FormGroupModel, anyway the below snippet helped me to do that, and now my form looks so clean and understandable, here is my implementation:
interface VehicleBasedControlsForm {
kWhControl: boolean;
kWhValue: number;
identified: {
kWhControl: boolean;
kWhValue: number;
===Generic FormModel===
type FormGroupModel<T> = FormGroup<{
[K in keyof T]: T[K] extends object
? FormGroupModel<T[K]>
: ɵElement<T[K], null>;
Use it like FormGroupModel<VehicleBasedControlsForm>