Home > Software design >  Perl $AUTOLOAD evaluation in v5.10 says "Bareword found where operator expected"...but v5.
Perl $AUTOLOAD evaluation in v5.10 says "Bareword found where operator expected"...but v5.


I'm using an AUTOLOAD example from @ikegami's post here. A recent CPAN testers report for my RF::Component::Multi module says:

Bareword found where operator expected at .../RF/Component/Multi.pm line 102, near "s/^.*:://sr"
syntax error at .../RF/Component/Multi.pm line 102, near "s/^.*:://sr"

The code is below and here on GitHub.

  • What is it that Perl 5.10 doesn't like?
  • Is there a Perl feature requiring >5.10 hidden in here that I'm missing? (My Perl 5.26.3 is working)
    • If so can it be made more backwards compatible? How?
    • If not, where do I find the version so I can do the right use 5.xx?
  • Do I need use vars '$AUTOLOAD'?
# Thanks @ikegami:
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/74229589/14055985
    my $method_name = our $AUTOLOAD =~ s/^.*:://sr;

    my $method = sub {
        my $self = shift;
        return [ map { $_->$method_name(@_) } @$self ];

        no strict 'refs';
        *$method_name = $method;

    goto &$method;

CodePudding user response:

s///r was added in 5.14.

my $method_name = our $AUTOLOAD =~ s/^.*:://sr;

could be replaced with

( my $method_name = our $AUTOLOAD ) =~ s/^.*:://s;

CodePudding user response:

You can use Perl::MinimumVersion to answer questions like this.

$ perlver your-code.pl

 | file   | explicit | syntax  | external |
 | -------------------------------------- |
 | minver | ~        | v5.13.2 | n/a      |
 | -------------------------------------- |
 | Minimum explicit version : ~           |
 | Minimum syntax version   : v5.13.2     |
 | Minimum version of perl  : v5.13.2     |

And, for more details,

 $ perlver --blame your-code.pl

 File    : minver
 Line    : 3
 Char    : 40
 Rule    : _regex
 Version : 5.013002
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