I have a production requirement to setup Azure SQL server Failover group setup. Can anyone help me out on this. My primary server will need to be in East US and Failover Server should be in West Us and all our Read/Write failover policy should be Automatic configurations and need to sync the data from primary to secondary up to 60 min of period. Here the one I am looking on Azure Cloud Platform
Azure SQL server Failover group setup
CodePudding user response:
Follow the below setups to create failover groups for sql server
Create a primary SQL Server on required region
Create a secondary Sql server on required region
In order to setup failover groups, select primary server and click on Failover Groups under Data Management section and click on Add Group icon on next window.
Step4: Provide below detiails and click on Create Failover GroupName: "xxxxxxxxx" Sever: " which server we are replicating" Read /Write failover policy : "Automatic" as per requirement Grace Period: "1 hr" Database: Select the databases under sql servers
Here we go
Note: Due so some restriction I have replicated this on another regions, but process is same for any other regions.