I'm Trying to return a mongoose document, but then i get this error:
Type '(IPersonDocument & { _id: ObjectId; })[]' is missing the following properties from type 'IPersonDocument': firstName, lastName, groups, $assertPopulated, and 52 more.ts(2740)
IPersonDocument is extends IPerson
and Mongoose.Document
this is my code:
export async function findByName(name: String): Promise<IPersonDocument>{
return await PersonsModel.find({ firstName: name }) //problem here
import { Document, Model } from "mongoose";
export interface IPerson {
firstName: string;
lastName: string;
age?: number;
email?: string,
groups: [String],
dateOfEntry?: Date;
export interface IPersonDocument extends IPerson, Document { }
export interface IPersonModel extends Model<IPersonDocument> { }
import { model } from "mongoose";
import { IPersonDocument } from "../../../type/person.types";
import PersonsSchema from "./person.schema";
export const PersonsModel = model<IPersonDocument>("persons", PersonsSchema)
CodePudding user response:
add the lean()
return await PersonsModel.find({ firstName: name }).lean();
its coavert the DOC object to js object.