I am passing a prop called product which has a list of objects inside a variable images. I want to display first image with id number 1 on the frontend. Also if I want to iterate through the images what would be the best way. I have attached the object image as seen on postman as a photo. I am trying to display this line in the card <Card.Img src={product.images} />
function Product({ product }) {
return (
<Card className="my-3 p-3 rounded">
<Link to={`/product/${product._id}`}>
<Card.Img src={product.images} />
<Link to={`/product/${product._id}`}>
<Card.Title as="div">
<Card.Text as="div">
<div className="my-3">
<Rating value={product.rating} text={`${product.numReviews} reviews`} color={'#f8e825'} />
<Card.Text as="h3">
CodePudding user response:
try this, {product.images[0].image}
CodePudding user response:
<Card.Img src={product.images[0].image} />
would be the solution to show the first image.
and for the second, if i understood right, you should try to put a loop surrounding,
<Link to={`/product/${product._id}`}>
<Card.Img src={product.images} />
this, and render the data accordingly