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How to use a LMC(little man computer) to create a reversed table?


I am given this challenge:

A. Enter a number that specifies the number of elements in an array (force the user to enter a positive number and smaller than 30).

B. Initialize the table with the values entered from the address specified by the TAB label which must be defined as the last instruction in your program to annotate the free memory area.

C. Implement the code that reverses the content of your table.

This is my understanding with an example:

  1. Input a number into my arraylist A, and the number should not be over 30. Here I input 12, 9, 10, 20, 30, 45, where 45 is bigger than 30, so it wouldn’t be put into the table, now the table is A={12, 9, 10, 20, 30}).

  2. Then the method of reverse table will reverse the order of the table A (now A={30, 20, 10, 9, 12})

  3. Finally output the reversed table.

This is what it would look like in Java:

Arraylist<Integer> a=new new ArrayList<>();
a.add(12);a.add(9);a.add(10);a.add(20);a.add(30); // input the numbers
a.reverse(); //reverse the order
output(30, 29, 10, 9, 12)

Here is the code I have currently implemented in LMC:

loop   STA array
       LDA count

       SUB one
       STA count
       BRP loop
array  DAT 

count  DAT 3
one    DAT 1

First, I input all the values into an arraylist, but how can I switch their order?

CodePudding user response:

To be honest, there are the most basic things that are missing in your attempt.

  • The first input of the user is not data, but the size of the data. Your code does not deal with that at all, but instead uses a hard-coded size of 3. The idea that the size of the array is determined by the user, and that's why the first input is the size of the array, otherwise the program would not know when to stop asking for input.

  • Your code only asks for one input, and then stores that at array, but in the next loop you write the counter value in that location. The counter should never be stored in the array.

  • There is no attempt in your code to store a value at the second entry in the array.

  • There is no attempt in your code to reverse the array.


Working with arrays in LMC is quite cumbersome. There is no concept of indirect addressing, and so it needs self-modifying code. The complexity of such code is a lot(!) greater than what you presented, so you'll probably need to study this concept in more depth. Please check also:


The program should:

  • Read the number of values in the array and store that number (size)

  • Check that this number is less than 30

  • Use size to loop, and per iteration:

    • Read an input
    • Store it in the array
    • Update the previous program statement, so that next time it executes it will store to one address further in the array
  • Reverse the array in a loop:

    • Read the first array value
    • Copy it to a temporary location (temp)
    • Read the last array value
    • Copy it to the first array value
    • Read the temporary value
    • Store it in the last array location
    • Alter all the above program statements that access the array, so that "first" becomes "second" and "last" becomes "last-but-one"...etc
    • If the address on the left side of the array crosses the address at the right side of the array, then stop: the reversal is complete.

You could then apply a similar loop to output the values of the array, but in comments you wrote:

C. Implement the code that reverses the content of your table. No display is required.

...so I will not include code to display the reversed array. You can check in the memory of the LMC that indeed the array is reversed.


Here is an LMC program that applies the above described procedure. You can run it here.

#input: 5 1 2 3 4 5
           STA size
           SUB thirty
           BRP quit
start      LDA statab
next       STA store
store      STA tab
           LDA size
           SUB one
           STA size
           BRZ reverse
           LDA store
           ADD one
           BRA next

reverse    LDA store
           STA storeright
           SUB statab
           ADD ldatab
           STA loadright
           LDA ldatab
           STA loadleft
           LDA statab

swap       STA storeleft
loadright  LDA tab
           STA temp
loadleft   LDA tab
storeright STA tab
           LDA temp
storeleft  STA tab
           LDA loadleft
           ADD one
           STA loadleft
           LDA loadright
           SUB one
           STA loadright
           SUB loadleft
           BRP continue
quit       HLT
continue   BRZ quit
           LDA storeright
           SUB one
           STA storeright
           LDA storeleft
           ADD one
           BRA swap

statab     STA tab # template code
ldatab     LDA tab # template code
one        DAT 1
thirty     DAT 30
size       DAT
temp       DAT
tab        DAT

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/trincot/[email protected]/lmc.js"></script>

If you run it as-is, the input is 5 1 2 3 4 5. The first 5 means there are 5 values that follow in the input. The real data is 1 2 3 4 5. You can change the input to your wishes. Once you have run it, scroll down to check the contents at the tab label, at the end of the program. There you will see

tab DAT 5
    DAT 4
    DAT 3
    DAT 2
    DAT 1


The self-modifying part of the code is most difficult (obscure) part. For instance, this statement:

loadright  LDA tab

...starts as LDA tab, but then later 1 is added to this instruction (think about that!), so that it is more like LDA tab 1 (this is not valid syntax, but I mean it targets the memory after tab). So the next time this statement executes it will load from a different address.

The same principle is applied at several places in the program.

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