I have result value of some training data like this
[[ 0]
[ 0]
[ 0]
[1049.3618 ]
[1049.3618 ]
[1049.3618 ]
[1047.8524 ]
[1034.0015 ]
[ 997.6305 ]
[ 985.61743]
[ 971.35583]
[ 953.3492 ]
[ 934.00104]
[ 912.93585]
[ 886.3636 ]
[ 857.08594]
[ 832.37103]
[ 803.3781 ]
[ 775.04083]]
How to convert the value to normal array in python like this? and how to remove nan values with 0? This is the result that I want
CodePudding user response:
The array can be converted to list using tolist()
which will result to list of lists e.g.:[[1,2,3], [2,3,4], [0]].
[x for sub_list in <your_array>.tolist() for x in sub_list]
The array can also be flattened to a list using array.flatten()
. More information can be found in the Numpy documentation