Following on:
How to download files using HttpClient with a ProgressBar?
The project is WinForms .NET 6
How to solve the erro :
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error CS1503 Argument 2: cannot convert from 'System.Threading.Tasks.ParallelLoopState' to 'System.Threading.CancellationToken' WinFormsApp1 D:\Csharp\WinFormsApp1\ResourceDownloader.cs 63 Active
On line number 63
var dataBytes = await client.Value.GetByteArrayAsync(site, token);
The full class code :
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace WinFormsApp1
public class ResourceDownloader
private static Lazy<HttpClient> client = new(() => {
HttpClientHandler handler = CreateHandler(autoRedirect: true);
var client = new HttpClient(handler, true) { Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60) };
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("User-Agent", @"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10; Win64; x64; rv:56.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/56.0");
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Cache-Control", "no-cache");
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Accept-Encoding", "gzip, deflate");
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.ConnectionClose = true;
return client;
}, true);
private static HttpClientHandler CreateHandler(bool autoRedirect)
return new HttpClientHandler()
AllowAutoRedirect = autoRedirect,
CookieContainer = new CookieContainer(),
AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.GZip | DecompressionMethods.Deflate
public record Website(string Url, byte[]? Data, bool Completed = true, Exception? Ex = null);
public record ProgressReport(Website Site, int PercentageComplete);
private static object syncObj = new object();
private static ConcurrentBag<Website> processed = default!;
private static int progressCount = 0;
private static int totalCount = 0;
public static bool IsBusy { get; internal set; } = false;
public static async Task<List<Website>> Download(IProgress<ProgressReport> progress, IList<string> sites, CancellationTokenSource cts)
IsBusy = true;
processed = new ConcurrentBag<Website>();
progressCount = 0;
totalCount = sites.Count;
ParallelOptions options = new()
MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 8,
CancellationToken = cts.Token
await Parallel.ForEach(sites, options, async (site, token) => {
var dataBytes = await client.Value.GetByteArrayAsync(site, token);
ReportProgress(progress, dataBytes, site, null);
catch (Exception ex)
ReportProgress(progress, null, site, ex);
// To Debug / Log
catch (TaskCanceledException) { Debug.Print("The operation was canceled"); }
finally { IsBusy = false; }
return processed.ToList();
private static void ReportProgress(IProgress<ProgressReport> progress, byte[]? data, string site, Exception? ex)
lock (syncObj)
progressCount = 1;
var percentage = progressCount * 100 / totalCount;
Website website = new(site, data, ex is null, ex);
progress.Report(new ProgressReport(website, percentage));
CodePudding user response:
is not Task
-aware and does not handle asynchronous workloads (correctly, at least), and overloads accepting handler with 2 parameters (like ForEach<TSource>(IEnumerable<TSource>, Action<TSource,ParallelLoopState>)
) use ParallelLoopState
as second parameter of the handler.
You need to use Parallel.ForEachAsync
(for example this overload, which accepts Func<TSource, CancellationToken, ValueTask>
) to correctly handle async workloads.