I have a string: [(]
From this string I want to get two strings:
What is the best solution for this? I'm coding in c#.
CodePudding user response:
RegEx appraoch https://dotnetfiddle.net/7ZJhUL
string input = "[(]";
Match result = Regex.Match(input, @"\[\((.*?)\/(.*)\)\]");
string first = result.Groups[1].Value; //
string second = result.Groups[2].Value; //001_3CX/asd_43
CodePudding user response:
string test = "[(]";
// (current result) test = ""
int index = locate_character_inside_string("/",test);
string first_to_return = substring_basedon_index(test,0,index - 1);
string second_to_return = substring_basedon_index(test,index 1, length(test));
// (result) first_to_return = "";
// (result) second_to_return = "001_3CX/asd_43";
There are plenty of internet posts on the exact names of the functions and methods I've mentioned :-)