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Check if two views have the same column values


I try to explain my problem in the simplest way.

I have a table, let's call it Table_A, structured like this:

ID | Name | Code | Status | Counter_A | Counter_B | Counter_C

This Table_A is filled with data once a day.

A second table, named Table_B, structurally identical to the previous one, takes the data in real-time (it is refreshed over and over again a day).

I have to find a way to highlight daily if and which counter (Counter_A, Counter_B, Counter_C) is different between Table_A and Table_B.

A numerical example:


ID Name Code Status Counter_A Counter_B Counter_C
01 aaa 971283 online 0 3 0
02 bbb 287301 online 4 2 2
03 ccc 718923 online 5 5 5
04 ddd 789021 online 0 0 0
05 eee 890123 online 1 1 4


ID Name Code Status Counter_A Counter_B Counter_C
01 aaa 971283 online 0 3 1
02 bbb 287301 online 0 2 2
03 ccc 718923 online 5 5 5
04 ddd 789021 online 0 0 0
05 eee 890123 online 0 0 2

My idea would be to run a script daily and check if the counters are the same, adding incremental columns to a view_B, so that view_B would be:

View_B ( What I want )

ID Name Code Status Counter_A Counter_B Counter_C Counter_A_check Counter_B_check Counter_C_check
01 aaa 971283 online 0 3 1 0 0 1
02 bbb 287301 online 0 2 2 1 0 0
03 ccc 718923 online 5 5 5 0 0 0
04 ddd 789021 online 0 0 0 0 0 0
05 eee 890123 online 0 0 2 1 1 1

If the data is not the same, then I increase the value by one. In this way I would know in addition to the discrepancy, also for how many days the values have been misaligned. In the example, 1 = one-day misaligned.

it seems to work but I don't know how to implement it in SQL

Currently I have set up the two tables. The View_B and the script are missing.

CodePudding user response:

declare @Table_A Table(ID char(2), Counter_A int, Counter_B int, Counter_C int)
declare @Table_B Table(ID char(2), Counter_A int, Counter_B int, Counter_C int)

insert into @Table_A
select '01', 0, 3, 0
union all
select '02', 4, 2, 2
union all
select '03', 5, 5, 5
union all
select '04', 0, 0, 0
union all
select '05', 1, 1, 4

insert into @Table_B
select '01', 0, 3, 1
union all
select '02', 0, 2, 2
union all
select '03', 5, 5, 5
union all
select '04', 0, 0, 0
union all
select '05', 0, 0, 2

    case when a.Counter_A != b.Counter_A then 1 else 0 end Counter_A_Check,
    case when a.Counter_B != b.Counter_B then 1 else 0 end Counter_B_Check,
    case when a.Counter_C != b.Counter_C then 1 else 0 end Counter_C_Check
from @Table_A a
    join @Table_B b on a.ID = b.ID

CodePudding user response:

You can't use a view in SQL Server in this way. Views can only "store" (not actually store) data derived from other tables. You are asking your view View_B to store historical information that is not available in any table.

What you could do instead is to is to create a view AB_Diff that shows you in which records and in which columns you have differences, like this

CREATE VIEW AB_Diff (IDa, Counter_A_check,  Counter_B_check, Counter_C_check)
        CASE WHEN a.Counter_A <>b.Counter_A THEN 1 ELSE 0 END, 
        CASE WHEN a.Counter_B <>b.Counter_B THEN 1 ELSE 0 END,
        CASE WHEN a.Counter_C <>b.Counter_C THEN 1 ELSE 0 END 
    FROM Table_A AS a
    INNER JOIN Table_B b ON b.ID = a.ID;

Using your data this query SELECT * FROM AB_Diff would return:

IDa Counter_A_check Counter_B_check Counter_C_check
1 0 0 0
2 1 0 0
3 0 0 0
4 0 0 0
5 1 1 1

You could now use this view to create a new table AB_Hist_Diff where you could store the sum of the day-by-day instances of the differences, using a stored procedure that you run daily. If you go that way, I recommend also creating a stored procedure to reset these historical data when useful.

If you still want to have your view View_B, you can create it using Table_B and AB_Hist_Diff as I created AB_Diff using Table_A and Table_B.

Makes sense?

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