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Double WHERE statement in google sheets query


Im starting to play around with the QUERY function on Google Sheets and I have 3 Columns with data from different users. Just as follows.

Users Amount Type
User 1 4 Credit
User 2 5 Debit
User 3 2 Debit
User 2 3 Credit
User 3 4 Credit
User 1 6 Debit

I'm trying to use one single QUERY to return a table with all my users grouped showing the total balance where all the credit add up minus all the debits

Users Balance
User 1 -2
User 2 -2
User 3 -6

At the time, I have

Sum(Col2) WHERE Col3 = 'CREDIT',
Sum(Col2) WHERE Col3 = 'DEBIT' 
Group by Col1 ")

What of course, is not working. Any idea how to approach this?

I'm currently using one Query for each group then using and SUMIFS with the users to do the math, but definitely would love to know how to do it using one single query

CodePudding user response:

Try the following QUERY() function.

=QUERY({A2:A,INDEX(IF(C2:C="Debit",B2:B*(-1),B2:B))},"select Col1,sum(Col2) where Col1 is not null group by Col1 label sum(Col2) ''")

enter image description here

CodePudding user response:

you can have only one where. instead, you can use and or or but in your case try:

"select Col1,sum(Col2) 
 where Col3 matches 'CREDIT|DEBIT'
 group by Col1"


"select Col1,sum(Col2) 
 where Col3 = 'CREDIT'
    or Col3 = 'DEBIT'
 group by Col1"
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