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SQL - How do I join multiple tables and add appropriately with SUM?


I'm trying to join multiple tables (Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio v.18.9.1) together (based on an ID) and have it SUM out a new column using a sum aggregate. Here are my tables:

Table: California

CaliforniaID Name AmountCalifornia
C1 Alan 1.00
C1 Alan 1.00
C1 Alan 1.00
C1 Alan 2.00
C2 Eric 2.00
C2 Eric 2.00
C2 Eric 3.00
C3 Janero 3.00
C3 Janero 3.00
C3 Janero 5.00

Table: Texas

TexasID Name AmountTexas
T2 Eric 2.01
T2 Eric 2.01
T2 Eric 2.01
T3 Jan 3.01
T3 Jan 3.01
T4 Lil 4.01

Table: Florida

FloridaID Name AmountFlorida
F5 Manny 10.00
F5 Manny 10.00
F6 Nina 11.00
F3 Jan 100.00
F4 Lily 27.00

Table Junction1 that I created to be able to Join any tables that I need to in the future

All of the respective IDs match, so that I have something to join by

CaliforniaID TexasID FloridaID Name
C1 T1 F1 Alan B.
C2 T2 F2 Eric D.
C3 T3 F3 Janero T.
C4 T4 F4 Lila E.
C5 T5 F5 Manuello R.
C6 T6 F6 Nina H.
C7 T7 F7 Perry R.
C8 T8 F8 Ramos T.
C9 T9 F9 Skye F.
C10 T10 F10 Trinity A.

When I run the following query:

    COALESCE(SUM(t.amount1), 0) AS CaliforniaExpenses, 
    COALESCE(SUM(t.amount2), 0) AS TexasExpenses,    
    COALESCE(SUM(t.amount1), 0)   COALESCE(SUM(t.amount2), 0) AS TotalExpenses
    junction1 j
         CaliforniaID, null AS TexasID, 
         AmountCalifornia AS amount1, null AS amount2 
         null, TexasID, null, AmountTexas 
         test2) t ON t.CaliforniaID = j.CaliforniaID 
                     OR t.TexasID = j.TexasID 
    CaliforniaExpenses DESC;


Name CaliforniaExpenses TexasExpenses TotalExpenses
Janero T. 11.00 6.02 17.02
Eric D. 7.00 6.03 13.03
Alan B. 5.00 0.00 5.00
Trinity A. 0.00 0.00 0.00
Skye F. 0.00 0.00 0.00
Ramos T. 0.00 0.00 0.00
Perry R. 0.00 0.00 0.00
Nina H. 0.00 0.00 0.00
Manuello R. 0.00 0.00 0.00
Lila E. 0.00 33.06 33.06

Which is great so far! Is there any possible way to sneak in the Florida column FloridaExpenses (right after the TexasExpenses Alias) and have the total reflected for it as well?

Any help is greatly appreciated!

CodePudding user response:

Step 1. Aggregate each State's Expenses table to ID level.

Step 2. Left outer join from Junction1 to the other three on ID column

cte_ca as (select CaliforniaID, sum(AmountCalifornia) as AmountCalifornia from California group by CaliforniaID),
cte_tx as (select TexasID, sum(AmountTexas) as AmountTexas from Texas group by TexasID),
cte_fl as (select FloridaID, sum(AmountFlorida) as AmountFlorida from Florida group by FloridaID)
select j.Name,
       coalesce(sum(ca.AmountCalifornia),0) as CaliforniaExpenses,
       coalesce(sum(tx.AmountTexas),0) as TexasExpenses,
       coalesce(sum(fl.AmountFlorida),0) as FloridaExpenses,
       coalesce(sum(ca.AmountCalifornia),0)    coalesce(sum(tx.AmountTexas),0)   coalesce(sum(fl.AmountFlorida),0) as TotalExpenses
  from Junction1 j
  join cte_ca ca on j.CaliforniaID = ca.CaliforniaID
  join cte_tx tx on j.TexasID = tx.TexasID
  join cte_fl fl on j.FloridaID = fl.FloridaID
 group by j.name
 order by j.name;


Name       |CaliforniaExpenses|TexasExpenses|FloridaExpenses|TotalExpenses|
----------- ------------------ ------------- --------------- ------------- 
Alan B.    |            5.0000|       0.0000|         0.0000|       5.0000|
Eric D.    |            7.0000|       6.0300|         0.0000|      13.0300|
Janero T.  |           11.0000|       6.0200|       100.0000|     117.0200|
Lila E.    |            0.0000|       4.0100|        27.0000|      31.0100|
Manuello R.|            0.0000|       0.0000|        20.0000|      20.0000|
Nina H.    |            0.0000|       0.0000|        11.0000|      11.0000|
Perry R.   |            0.0000|       0.0000|         0.0000|       0.0000|
Ramos T.   |            0.0000|       0.0000|         0.0000|       0.0000|
Skye F.    |            0.0000|       0.0000|         0.0000|       0.0000|
Trinity A. |            0.0000|       0.0000|         0.0000|       0.0000|


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