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Why is my test suite not recognising my test case?


I am practicing creating my own testing framework on Pycharm in Python with Selenium. However, for some reason the suite is failing to initiate pytest and recognise my test case, I am not sure where I have gone wrong, I usually dont have this problem, and I have marked the test case with test_.

import pytest
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
from selenium.webdriver.support.wait import WebDriverWait
from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
import time
from myPageObjects.sauce_login_page import sauce_login_page
from myPageObjects.sauce_items_page import sauce_item_page
from myPageObjects.sauce_details_page import sauce_details_page
from myPageObjects.sauce_confirm_page import sauce_confirm_page
from myPageObjects.sauce_success_page import sauce_success_page
from ownUtilities.Sauce_Base_Class import sauce_base_class

class sauce_test_one(sauce_base_class):

    def test_saucee2e(self):
        sauceLogin = sauce_login_page(self.driver)
        # Type in your username in the username box
        # Type in your password in your password box
        # Click the login button
        sauceItems = sauce_item_page(self.driver)
        # Click the Backpack to add to the cart
        # Click the Bikelight to add to the cart
        # Click on the T shirt to add to the cart
        # Click on the Jacket and add to the cart
        # Click on the shopping cart badge at the top of the page
        # Click the checkout button
        sauceDetails = sauce_details_page(self.driver)
        # Make sure the next page has loaded
        # Type in the first name in the first name box
        # Type in the second name in the second name box
        # Type in your postcode in the postcode
        sauceDetails.getPostcode().send_keys("se15 4qu")
        # Click continue
        sauceConfirm = sauce_confirm_page(self.driver)
        # Make sure the price of the items are correct
        correctprice = sauceConfirm.getCheckouttotal().text
        assert "$144.44" in correctprice
        sauceSuccess = sauce_success_page(self.driver)
        # Click the finish button
        # Check that the successful order message has appeared
        passedtest = sauceSuccess.getSuccessmessage().text
        assert "THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER" in passedtest

Pytest result Picture Test Case Picture

Any input or advice would really be appreciated

I expected pytest to run the test case and hopefully pass, however, it is not even recognising the test case and telling me its an Empty suite

CodePudding user response:

There are various naming conventions to follow

  • File name: Should start with test_
  • Class name: Should start with Test (your class name is sauce_test_one over here which would not be detected)
  • Class module name: Should start with test_ (your class module name is test_saucee2e which is good)

CodePudding user response:

By default, PyTest expects test classes to be named like SomethingTest and modules like test_something. You can fine-tune the test discovery process as described here: Changing standard (Python) test discovery

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