Home > Software design >  Add a pandas column called age based on existing DOB column
Add a pandas column called age based on existing DOB column


I have a column called DOB which has dates formatted 31.07.1983 for example.

My data frame is named users_pd.

I want to add a column that has the current age of the customer based off the existing DOB column.

from datetime import date, timedelta

users_pd["Age"] = (date.today() - users_pd["DOB"] // timedelta(days=365.2425))

I get the error

TypeError: Invalid dtype object for __floordiv__

CodePudding user response:

Your parenthesis was incorrectly placed, and you probably failed to convert to datetime.


users_pd["Age"] = (pd.Timestamp('today')
                 - pd.to_datetime(users_pd["DOB"], dayfirst=True)
                  ) // pd.Timedelta(days=365.2425)


          DOB  Age
0  31.07.1983   39

CodePudding user response:

Convert column to datetime and then convert timedeltas to years:

users_pd["DOB"] = pd.to_datetime(users_pd["DOB"], format='%d.%m.%Y')

users_pd["Age"] = (pd.to_datetime('today') - users_pd["DOB"]).astype('<m8[Y]').astype(int)
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