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PowerShell Single Line Huge Memory Usage


I'm trying to use the below command. Whenever I use this, memory usage is extremely high. Is there a way to lower memory usage while completing the same task?

Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\" -Recurse |
  sort -descending -property length | 
  select -first 20 fullname, @{Name="Gigabytes";Expression={[Math]::round($_.length / 1GB, 2)}}

CodePudding user response:

This should very efficient compared to what you're currently doing, basically it leverages the SortedSet<T> Class and a custom PowerShell Class implementing IComparable and IEquatable<T>. The logic inside the anonymous function ensures that the sorted set will always have a maximum of 20 elements (change the $sorted.Count -lt 20 as needed depending on how many files you want as result) so memory usage should be much lower.

class SimpleFile : System.IComparable, System.IEquatable[object] {
    [string] $FullName
    [Int64] $Length
    [double] $Gigabytes

    SimpleFile([IO.FileInfo] $File) {
        $this.FullName  = $File.FullName
        $this.Length    = $File.Length
        $this.Gigabytes = [Math]::Round($File.Length / 1Gb, 2)

    [int] GetHashCode() {
        return $this.FullName.GetHashCode()

    [int] CompareTo([object] $That) {
        if($diff = $this.Length.CompareTo($That.Length)) {
            return $diff
        return 0

    [bool] Equals([object] $That) {
        return $this.FullName -eq $That.FullName

$result = Get-ChildItem C:\ -Recurse -File -EA 0 | & {
    begin {
        $sorted = [System.Collections.Generic.SortedSet[SimpleFile]]::new()
    process {
        if($sorted.Count -lt 20) {
            $null = $sorted.Add($_)
        if($sorted.Min.Length -lt $_.Length) {
            $null = $sorted.Remove($sorted.Min)
            $null = $sorted.Add($_)
    end {

CodePudding user response:

Here's a mostly cmd solution that runs in half the time (4 min vs 8 min for me), and no great amount of ram to speak of.

cmd /c 'dir /s c:\ | findstr /v "Directory of" | findstr /v "<DIR>" | findstr /v "<JUNCTION>" | findstr /v "Total Files Listed:" | sort.exe / 20' | select -last 20

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