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Using a class-based test as a fixture


I am using this class which creates my login test:

import pytest
from pages.loginPage import LoginPage
from utils import utilis as utils

class TestLogin():

    def test_login(self):

        login =LoginPage(driver)

I want to re-use this test as a fixture for other tests, like this:

import pytest

from pages.loginPage import LoginPage
from pages.homePage import HomePage
from utils import utilis as util

class TestAddRegulation():

    def test_addRegulation(self):
        driver = self.driver
        homepage = HomePage(driver)

And this is the conftest.py file with the test_setup fixture:

from selenium import webdriver
import pytest

def pytest_addoption(parser):
    parser.addoption("--browser", action="store",
                     help="Type in browser name e.g.chrome OR firefox")

def test_setup(request):
    browser = request.config.getoption("--browser")
    if browser == 'chrome':
        driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=
    elif browser == 'firefox':
        driver = webdriver.Firefox(executable_path=
    request.cls.driver = driver
    print("Test is finished")

I can't get this to work, even if the test_login case is executed before the test_addRegulation test case.

I tried marking test_login as a fixture but it doesn't work. I can make it work if I dropped using classes.

Can I make a class method a fixture that is re-usable for other test classes?

CodePudding user response:

Fixtures can be methods defined in a class, but then they are not available outside of the class. As the pytest documentation on fixtures states:

Fixture availability is determined from the perspective of the test. A fixture is only available for tests to request if they are in the scope that fixture is defined in. If a fixture is defined inside a class, it can only be requested by tests inside that class.

(Bold emphasis mine).

This means that you have to use a plain function to define re-usable fixtures. You can still access the class used by each test, however, via the request.cls attribute. Make sure to have the fixture take both the request and the test_setup scopes:

def login(request, test_setup):
    driver = request.cls.driver

    login = LoginPage(driver)

Just put that fixture in your conftest.py file. You can use a different scope, provided it doesn't exceed the class scope of the test_setup fixture (so your choices are class and function here).

You can then use that fixture with no actual test body to test the login:

class TestLogin:

    def test_login(self):
        # test passes if the login fixture completes.

This does seem a bit redundant, of course.

Use the fixture for other classes the same way:

class TestAddRegulation:

    def test_addRegulation(self):
        # ... etc.

A quick demo (without selenium, just plain Python):

import pytest

def test_setup(request):
    request.cls.fixtures = ["test_setup"]
    print("Test is finished, fixtures used:", request.cls.fixtures)

def login(request, test_setup):
    # The fixtures list was created by the test_setup fixture
    fixtures = request.cls.fixtures

class TestLogin:

    def test_login(self):
        assert self.fixtures == ["test_setup", "login"]

class TestAddRegulation:

    def test_addRegulation(self):
        assert self.fixtures == ["test_setup", "login"]

Running these tests with pytest -vs (verbose mode, disabling stdout capture) produces:

...::TestLogin::test_login PASSEDTest is finished, fixtures used: ['test_setup', 'login']

...::TestAddRegulation::test_addRegulation PASSEDTest is finished, fixtures used: ['test_setup', 'login']
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