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Replace items in array with property from matching object in another array


There's a permissions collection that contains permissions and the users or groups that are assigned that permission for a given resource.


  "_id": 1,
  "resource": "resource:docs/61",
  "permissions": [
      "permission": "role:documentOwner",
      "users": [
      "permission": "document.read",
      "users": ["user:xxx"]
      "permission": "document.update",
      "users": ["user:xxx"]

And a groups collection that assigns users to a group.


    "_id": 1,
    "id": "abc",
    "name": "Test Group",
    "users": ["cpo", "yyy"]
    "_id": 2,
    "id": "bff",
    "name": "Another Group",
    "users": ["xxx"]

I'm trying to query the permissions collection for resource:docs/61 and for each permission, resolve any groups in the users property to the matching group's users. See below for desired result.

Desired Result

  "resource": "resource:docs/61",
  "permissions": [
      "permission": "role:documentOwner",
      "users": [
      "permission": "document.read",
      "users": ["user:xxx"]
      "permission": "document.update",
      "users": ["user:xxx"]

I've setup a Mongo Playground where I've been trying to get this to work... unsuccessfully. Below is my current attempt. I'm unsure how to map the groups to their respectful users and then reverse the $unwind. Or maybe I don't even need the $unwind

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