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How Do I Prevent copyValuesToRange from Overwriting Destination with Blank or Null Data


For the most part, using copyValuesToRange works very well (99.9% of the time) in a function with the following statements:

let source = ss.getSheetByName("Update List");
let destination = ss.getSheetByName("Power Level");
source.getRange('TIER1DescImport').copyValuesToRange(destination, 12, 12, 6, 29); // 'PowerLevel'!L6:L29

The source is on a sheet "Update List" with a named data range "TIER1DescImport". The imported data is from a separate Google Sheet file using IMPORTRANGE.

ONCE, the destination range was entirely overwritten with empty or blank cells. How do I prevent this from happening again? I don't know why this occurred. The source range seemed fine. After closing the Google sheet and opening it 30 minutes later, everything was working properly again.

Is there a way of determining if the source range is okay, and if so, proceed with copyValuesToRange?

I'm a novice using Apps Script. I didn't know how to debug this issue. The only thing that worked was closing the files and coming back to it later. After that, it all seemed to be working again. I don't know why the destination was overwritten with blank or empty data but I'd like to prevent it from happening again.

CodePudding user response:

You can test whether the source range has a meaningful amount of data with something like this:

  const targetSheet = ss.getSheetByName('Power Level');
  const sourceSheet = ss.getSheetByName('Update List');
  const sourceRange = sourceSheet.getRange('TIER1DescImport');
  if (sourceRange.getDisplayValues.join('').length > 10) {
    sourceRange.copyValuesToRange(targetSheet, 12, 12, 6, 29);
    // ...or: sourceRange.copyTo(targetSheet.getRange('L6'));
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