I am trying to join two tables based on one column from one table and two column from other table
Table a
name, designation
Mr. james john, manager
Mr. jim james, tester
Mr. abe james, developer
Table b
first name, last name, emp id
jim, james,2
I want to join table a name column with table b combining "Mr. " first name last name.
CodePudding user response:
Here's a way to do what your question asks:
res = a.join(b.assign(name='Mr. ' b['first name'] ' ' b['last name']).set_index('name'), on='name')
dataframe a:
name designation
0 Mr. james john manager
1 Mr. jim james tester
2 Mr. abe james developer
dataframe b:
first name last name emp id
0 james john 1
1 jim james 2
2 abe james 3
name designation first name last name emp id
0 Mr. james john manager james john 1
1 Mr. jim james tester jim james 2
2 Mr. abe james developer abe james 3