We have a number of audio tracks, and a number of groups called “sides” (each corresponding to one side of a vinyl record). For each track, we know its name and its length in seconds. Each side also has a length, which is the sum of the lengths of the tracks on the side. Typically one side will be longer than all the others. This the maximum side length, and it varies depending on how we arrange the tracks. What arrangement of the tracks results in the SMALLEST maximum side length?
I have already developed a solution which is exact, in the sense that it finds the optimal solution. It uses a recursive tree-based search that considers all the possible combinations. Unfortunately this means processing time increases exponentially with the number of tracks. Above twenty tracks, it takes too long (days or weeks).
I considered parallel processing, but I concluded it was unlikely to help enough to justify the effort. Such situations can only be solved by finding a more efficient solution, which does less iterations. It’s possible that the problem is unsolvable without relaxing the constraints, but I am skeptical of that. The problem seems possibly related to the cutting stock problem.
Here's a typical input and output:
Input file (CSV format):
23 skidoo,5:38
400 blows,6:07
A Certain Ratio,3:15
African Headcharge,3:36
Allez Allez ,3:40
Animal Magic,3:49
Basement 5,5:14
Mark Stewart,3:43
Maximum Joy,7:53
Startled Insects,5:35
The Unknown Case,5:51
Output for four sides (despite diverse track lengths, this one achieved an excellent fit, with a standard deviation of only one second):
A 20:51
01 07:53 "Maximum Joy"
02 06:07 "400 blows"
03 03:36 "African Headcharge"
04 03:15 "A Certain Ratio"
B 20:49
01 07:35 "PIL"
02 05:51 "The Unknown Case"
03 03:43 "Mark Stewart"
04 03:40 "Allez Allez "
C 20:49
01 06:43 "Lifetones"
02 05:35 "Startled Insects"
03 04:42 "EP4"
04 03:49 "Animal Magic"
D 20:48
01 05:38 "23 skidoo"
02 05:15 "Disconnection"
03 05:14 "Basement 5"
04 04:41 "Snakefinger"
min: 20:48
max: 20:51
mean: 20:49
stdev: 00:01
I have tried various tree-pruning strategies, similar to those used in chess programs, but so far none has proved adequate. For example, I tried introducing a side length limit, and abandoning a branch if it exceeds that limit. This can improve performance, but also requires a method of estimating a workable limit, because if the limit is too low, no solution is possible. I suspect that this problem can be solved with linear programming, but I haven't figured out how to reduce it to a set of constraints that are acceptable to a linear programming calculator.
Edit: code below
int Round(double x)
return x < 0 ? int(x - 0.5) : int(x 0.5);
INT_PTR CountCombinations(INT_PTR n, INT_PTR k)
INT_PTR count = n;
for (INT_PTR x = 1; x <= k - 1; x )
count = count * (n - x) / x;
return count / k;
CString SecsToStr(int nSecs)
CTimeSpan ts(0, 0, 0, nSecs);
return ts.Format(_T("%M:%S"));
int StrToSecs(LPCTSTR pszStr)
int nMinutes, nSeconds;
if (_stscanf_s(pszStr, _T("%d:%d"), &nMinutes, &nSeconds) == 2) {
return nMinutes * 60 nSeconds;
return 0;
class CLayout {
// Types
typedef CArrayEx<CIntArrayEx, CIntArrayEx&> CLayoutArray;
// Operations
void GetLayouts(int nGroups, int nItems, CLayoutArray& arrLayout);
// Data members
int m_nGroups;
int m_nItems;
int m_nItemsRemain;
int m_iDepth;
CLayoutArray *m_parrLayout;
CIntArrayEx m_arrState;
// Helpers
void Recurse(int nItems);
static int SortCompare(const void *p1, const void *p2);
int CLayout::SortCompare(const void *p1, const void *p2)
CIntArrayEx *parr1 = *(CIntArrayEx **)p1;
CIntArrayEx *parr2 = *(CIntArrayEx **)p2;
int nItems1 = parr1->GetSize();
int nItems2 = parr2->GetSize();
int nItems = min(nItems1, nItems2);
for (int iItem = 0; iItem < nItems; iItem ) { // for each item
int a = parr1->GetAt(iItem);
int b = parr2->GetAt(iItem);
if (a < b)
return -1;
if (a > b)
return 1;
if (nItems1 < nItems2)
return -1;
if (nItems1 > nItems2)
return 1;
return 0;
void CLayout::GetLayouts(int nGroups, int nItems, CLayoutArray& arrLayout)
m_nGroups = nGroups;
m_nItems = nItems;
m_iDepth = 0;
m_parrLayout = &arrLayout;
void CLayout::Recurse(int nItems)
m_iDepth ;
int nStart = nItems / m_nGroups;
nStart = max(nStart, 1);
for (int iItem = nStart; iItem < nItems; iItem ) { // for each item
m_arrState[m_iDepth - 1] = iItem;
int nRemain = nItems - iItem;
if (m_iDepth < m_nGroups - 1) { // if not at maximum depth
} else { // maximum depth reached
ASSERT(m_iDepth == m_nGroups - 1);
m_arrState[m_iDepth] = nRemain;
CIntArrayEx arrLayout(m_arrState);
// sort descending, so bigger groups can be eliminated without recursion
arrLayout.Sort(true); // descending order
if (m_parrLayout->Find(arrLayout) < 0) { // if not duplicate layout
class CPacker {
// Types
class CTrackInfo {
int m_nLength;
CString m_sTitle;
bool operator<(const CTrackInfo& info) const { return m_nLength < info.m_nLength; }
bool operator>(const CTrackInfo& info) const { return m_nLength > info.m_nLength; }
class CSideInfo {
int m_nLength;
CIntArrayEx m_arrTrackIdx;
bool operator==(const CSideInfo& info) const { return m_nLength == info.m_nLength && m_arrTrackIdx == info.m_arrTrackIdx; }
bool operator!=(const CSideInfo& info) const { return !operator==(info); }
typedef CArrayEx<CTrackInfo, CTrackInfo&> CTrackArray;
typedef CArrayEx<CSideInfo, CSideInfo&> CSideArray;
typedef CArrayEx<CSideArray, CSideArray&> CSideArrayArray;
class CStats {
int m_nMin;
int m_nMax;
double m_fMean;
double m_fStdDev;
// Operations
bool Pack(const CTrackArray& arrTrack, int nSides, CSideArrayArray& arrSide);
static int GetTotalLength(const CTrackArray& arrTrack);
static void GetStats(const CSideArray& arrSide, CStats& stats);
// Types
class CState {
CByteArrayEx m_arrCombo;
CIntArrayEx m_arrTrackIdx;
typedef CArrayEx<CState, CState&> CStateArray;
class CResultIdx {
double m_fStdDev;
int m_iResult;
bool operator<(const CResultIdx& idx) const { return m_fStdDev < idx.m_fStdDev; }
bool operator>(const CResultIdx& idx) const { return m_fStdDev > idx.m_fStdDev; }
typedef CArrayEx<CResultIdx, CResultIdx&> CResultIdxArray;
// Data members
CLayout::CLayoutArray m_arrLayout;
int m_iLayout;
int m_iDepth;
int m_nSides;
int m_nMaxSideLen;
int m_nWinnerMaxSideLen;
CSideArray m_arrWinner;
CSideArrayArray m_arrResult;
CStateArray m_arrState;
CIntArrayEx m_arrSideLen;
CIntArrayEx m_arrTrackLen;
// Helpers
void Init(int nSides, int nTracks, int nMaxSideLen);
void Recurse();
void UpdateWinner();
static int SideSortCompare(const void *p1, const void *p2);
int CPacker::GetTotalLength(const CTrackArray& arrTrack)
int nTotalLength = 0;
int nTracks = arrTrack.GetSize();
for (int iTrack = 0; iTrack < nTracks; iTrack ) { // for each track
nTotalLength = arrTrack[iTrack].m_nLength;
return nTotalLength;
void CPacker::Init(int nSides, int nTracks, int nMaxSideLen)
m_iLayout = 0;
m_iDepth = 0;
m_nSides = nSides;
m_nMaxSideLen = nMaxSideLen;
m_nWinnerMaxSideLen = INT_MAX;
// Koepf is at least three times faster than CCombination
void CPacker::Recurse()
CState& state = m_arrState[m_iDepth];
int nTracks = state.m_arrTrackIdx.GetSize();
int nGroupSize = m_arrLayout[m_iLayout][m_iDepth];
int nSides = m_nSides;
int gen_result = gen_comb_norep_lex_init(state.m_arrCombo.GetData(), nTracks, nGroupSize);
while (gen_result == GEN_NEXT) { // while combinations remain
int nSideLength = 0;
for (int iVal = 0; iVal < nGroupSize; iVal ) { // for each group member
int iTrack = state.m_arrTrackIdx[state.m_arrCombo[iVal]];
nSideLength = m_arrTrackLen[iTrack];
if (nSideLength >= m_nMaxSideLen) { // if side is too long
goto lblNextCombo; // don't waste more time on this branch
m_arrSideLen[m_iDepth] = nSideLength;
if (m_iDepth < nSides - 1) { // if not at maximum depth
m_iDepth ;
CState& stateNew = m_arrState[m_iDepth];
int nNewGroupSize = nTracks - nGroupSize;
int iSrcPos = 0;
int iDestPos = 0;
for (int iTrack = 0; iTrack < nTracks; iTrack ) { // for each track
if (iSrcPos < nGroupSize && state.m_arrCombo[iSrcPos] == iTrack) { // if group member
iSrcPos ;
} else { // track doesn't belong to current group
stateNew.m_arrTrackIdx[iDestPos] = state.m_arrTrackIdx[iTrack]; // copy track to new state
iDestPos ;
if (m_iDepth < nSides - 1) { // if not at maximum depth
Recurse(); // traverse new state
} else { // final group has only one combination, so no need for recursion
int nNewSideLength = 0;
for (int iVal = 0; iVal < nNewGroupSize; iVal ) { // for each group member
int iTrack = stateNew.m_arrTrackIdx[iVal];
nNewSideLength = m_arrTrackLen[iTrack];
if (nNewSideLength >= m_nMaxSideLen) { // if side is too long
goto lblNextCombo; // don't waste more time on this branch
for (int iVal = 0; iVal < nNewGroupSize; iVal ) { // for each group member
stateNew.m_arrCombo[iVal] = iVal; // sequential order
m_arrSideLen[nSides - 1] = nNewSideLength;
goto lblTallySides;
} else { // maximum depth reached
int nMaxSideLen = m_arrSideLen[0];
for (int iSide = 1; iSide < nSides; iSide ) { // for each side
int nSideLen = m_arrSideLen[iSide];
if (nSideLen > nMaxSideLen)
nMaxSideLen = nSideLen;
if (nMaxSideLen < m_nWinnerMaxSideLen) { // if maximum side length beats winner
m_nWinnerMaxSideLen = nMaxSideLen;
m_arrResult[0] = m_arrWinner;
} else if (nMaxSideLen == m_nWinnerMaxSideLen) { // if tie
if (m_arrResult.Find(m_arrWinner) < 0) { // if new solution
m_arrResult.Add(m_arrWinner); // store solution
gen_result = gen_comb_norep_lex_next(state.m_arrCombo.GetData(), nTracks, nGroupSize);
void CPacker::UpdateWinner()
int nSides = m_nSides;
for (int iSide = 0; iSide < nSides; iSide ) {
const CState& state = m_arrState[iSide];
int nGroupSize = m_arrLayout[m_iLayout][iSide];
m_arrWinner[iSide].m_nLength = m_arrSideLen[iSide];
for (int iVal = 0; iVal < nGroupSize; iVal ) {
int iTrack = state.m_arrTrackIdx[state.m_arrCombo[iVal]];
m_arrWinner[iSide].m_arrTrackIdx[iVal] = iTrack;
int CPacker::SideSortCompare(const void *p1, const void *p2)
CSideInfo *ps1 = *(CSideInfo **)p1;
CSideInfo *ps2 = *(CSideInfo **)p2;
if (ps1->m_arrTrackIdx[0] < ps2->m_arrTrackIdx[0])
return -1;
if (ps1->m_arrTrackIdx[0] > ps2->m_arrTrackIdx[0])
return 1;
return 0;
bool CPacker::Pack(const CTrackArray& arrTrack, int nSides, CSideArrayArray& arrSide)
arrSide.RemoveAll(); // empty destination array first
int nTracks = arrTrack.GetSize();
if (nTracks < nSides) { // if less tracks than sides
return false; // error, empty sides not allowed
if (nTracks > nSides) { // if more tracks than sides
CLayout layout;
layout.GetLayouts(nSides, nTracks, m_arrLayout); // get possible layouts
int nTotalLength = GetTotalLength(arrTrack);
int nMaxSideLen = nTotalLength / nSides; // start from average
while (1) {
Init(nSides, nTracks, nMaxSideLen);
for (int iTrack = 0; iTrack < nTracks; iTrack ) { // for each track
m_arrTrackLen[iTrack] = arrTrack[iTrack].m_nLength;
m_arrState[0].m_arrTrackIdx[iTrack] = iTrack; // root state's track index always contains all tracks
int nLayouts = m_arrLayout.GetSize();
for (m_iLayout = 0; m_iLayout < nLayouts; m_iLayout ) { // for each possible layout
if (m_nWinnerMaxSideLen != INT_MAX)
nMaxSideLen ;
} else { // one track per side; trivial case
for (int iSide = 0; iSide < nSides; iSide ) { // for each side
m_arrResult[0][iSide].m_nLength = arrTrack[iSide].m_nLength;
// sort results by standard deviation
CResultIdxArray arrIdx;
int nResults = m_arrResult.GetSize();
for (int iResult = 0; iResult < nResults; iResult ) {
CStats stats;
GetStats(m_arrResult[iResult], stats);
arrIdx[iResult].m_fStdDev = stats.m_fStdDev;
arrIdx[iResult].m_iResult = iResult;
for (int iResult = 0; iResult < nResults; iResult ) {
arrSide[iResult] = m_arrResult[arrIdx[iResult].m_iResult];
return true;
void CPacker::GetStats(const CSideArray& arrSide, CStats& stats)
int nTotLen = 0;
int nMinLen = INT_MAX;
int nMaxLen = 0;
int nSides = arrSide.GetSize();
for (int iSide = 0; iSide < nSides; iSide ) {
const CSideInfo& side = arrSide[iSide];
nTotLen = side.m_nLength;
if (side.m_nLength < nMinLen)
nMinLen = side.m_nLength;
if (side.m_nLength > nMaxLen)
nMaxLen = side.m_nLength;
double fMean = double(nTotLen) / nSides;
double fSum = 0;
for (int iSide = 0; iSide < nSides; iSide ) {
const CSideInfo& side = arrSide[iSide];
double fDev = side.m_nLength - fMean;
fSum = fDev * fDev;
stats.m_nMin = nMinLen;
stats.m_nMax = nMaxLen;
stats.m_fMean = fMean;
stats.m_fStdDev = sqrt(fSum / nSides);
bool OutputResults(const CPacker::CTrackArray& arrTrack, const CPacker::CSideArrayArray& arrSide, CStdioFile& fOut, bool bShowAll)
int nResults;
if (bShowAll) {
nResults = arrSide.GetSize();
} else {
nResults = 1;
CString sLine;
for (int iResult = 0; iResult < nResults; iResult ) {
if (bShowAll) {
sLine.Format(_T("Solution %d\n\n"), iResult 1); // separator
int nSides = arrSide[iResult].GetSize();
for (int iSide = 0; iSide < nSides; iSide ) {
const CPacker::CSideInfo& side = arrSide[iResult][iSide];
sLine.Format(_T("%c %s\n"), iSide 'A', SecsToStr(side.m_nLength));
int nSideTracks = side.m_arrTrackIdx.GetSize();
for (int iSeq = 0; iSeq < nSideTracks; iSeq ) {
int iTrack = side.m_arrTrackIdx[iSeq];
sLine.Format(_T("d %s \"%s\"\n"), iSeq 1, SecsToStr(arrTrack[iTrack].m_nLength), arrTrack[iTrack].m_sTitle);
CPacker::CStats stats;
CPacker::GetStats(arrSide[iResult], stats);
sLine.Format(_T("min: %s\nmax: %s\nmean: %s\nstdev: %s\n\n"),
SecsToStr(stats.m_nMin), SecsToStr(stats.m_nMax), SecsToStr(Round(stats.m_fMean)), SecsToStr(Round(stats.m_fStdDev)));
return true;
struct TRACK {
int nLength;
LPCTSTR pszTitle;
void ReadCSVFile(LPCTSTR pszTracksFilePath, CPacker::CTrackArray& arrTrack)
CStdioFile fIn(pszTracksFilePath, CFile::modeRead);
CString sLine;
while (fIn.ReadString(sLine)) {
CParseCSV parse(sLine);
CString sTitle, sLength;
if (parse.GetString(sTitle) && parse.GetString(sLength)) {
int nSeconds = StrToSecs(sLength);
if (nSeconds) {
CPacker::CTrackInfo info;
info.m_sTitle = sTitle;
info.m_nLength = nSeconds;
bool Pack(LPCTSTR pszTracksFilePath, int nSides, CString sOutPath, bool bShowAll)
CPacker::CTrackArray arrTrack;
ReadCSVFile(pszTracksFilePath, arrTrack);
if (nSides <= 1) {
printf("number of sides must be greater than one\n");
return false;
if (nSides > 26) {
printf("number of sides is too big\n");
return false;
if (!arrTrack.GetSize()) {
printf("no track definitions found\n");
return false;
if (nSides > arrTrack.GetSize()) {
printf("more sides than tracks\n");
return false;
arrTrack.Sort(true); // improves performance
CPacker packer;
CPacker::CSideArrayArray arrSide;
// ULONGLONG nStart = GetTickCount64();
if (!packer.Pack(arrTrack, nSides, arrSide))
return false;
// ULONGLONG nStop = GetTickCount64(); printf("%lld ms\n", nStop - nStart);
if (sOutPath.IsEmpty()) {
CStdioFile fOut(stdout);
OutputResults(arrTrack, arrSide, fOut, bShowAll);
} else {
CStdioFile fOut(sOutPath, CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite);
OutputResults(arrTrack, arrSide, fOut, bShowAll);
return true;
class CMyCommandLineInfo : public CCommandLineInfo {
enum { // define parameters
PARAM_SIDES, // number of sides
PARAM_OUT_PATH, // output file path
PARAM_SHOW_ALL, // show all solutions
static const LPCTSTR m_pszParam[];
virtual void ParseParam(const TCHAR* pszParam, BOOL bFlag, BOOL bLast);
static int FindParam(const TCHAR* pszParam);
int m_nSides;
CString m_sOutPath;
int m_iParam;
bool m_bShowAll;
const LPCTSTR CMyCommandLineInfo::m_pszParam[] = {
m_iParam = -1;
m_nSides = 2;
m_bShowAll = false;
int CMyCommandLineInfo::FindParam(const TCHAR* pszParam)
int iParam;
int nParams = _countof(m_pszParam);
for (iParam = 0; iParam < nParams; iParam ) {
if (!_tcsicmp(pszParam, m_pszParam[iParam])) { // case insensitive
return iParam;
return -1;
void CMyCommandLineInfo::ParseParam(const TCHAR* pszParam, BOOL bFlag, BOOL bLast)
if (bFlag) {
m_iParam = FindParam(pszParam);
switch (m_iParam) {
m_bShowAll = true;
m_iParam = -1;
} else {
if (m_iParam >= 0) { // if parameter is ours
switch (m_iParam) {
_stscanf_s(pszParam, _T("%d"), &m_nSides);
m_sOutPath = pszParam;
m_iParam = -1;
return; // skip base class behavior
CCommandLineInfo::ParseParam(pszParam, bFlag, bLast);
static const LPCSTR pszHelp =
"Optimally packs tracks onto a specified number of sides.\n\n"
"TrackPacker [-sides numSides] [-out outPath] [-all] inPath\n\n"
"numSides Number of sides to pack onto; defaults to two.\n"
"outPath Path of output layout file; defaults to console.\n"
"all Show all solutions, otherwise only show best one.\n"
"inPath Path of input CSV file; required.\n\n"
"TrackPacker -sides 4 -out layout.txt tracks.csv\n\n"
"Input CSV format is title,length\n"
"If title contains commas, enclose it in double quotes.\n"
"Length must be in mm:ss (minutes:seconds) time format.\n\n"
"Sample CSV file:\n"
"Ida Lupino,1:23\n"
"\"Open, to Love\",4:56\n";
int _tmain(int argc, TCHAR* argv[], TCHAR* envp[])
int nRetCode = 0;
HMODULE hModule = ::GetModuleHandle(NULL);
if (hModule != NULL)
// initialize MFC and print and error on failure
if (!AfxWinInit(hModule, NULL, ::GetCommandLine(), 0))
// TODO: change error code to suit your needs
_tprintf(_T("Fatal Error: MFC initialization failed\n"));
nRetCode = 1;
CMyCommandLineInfo cmdInfo;
if (!cmdInfo.m_strFileName.IsEmpty()) {
Pack(cmdInfo.m_strFileName, cmdInfo.m_nSides, cmdInfo.m_sOutPath, cmdInfo.m_bShowAll);
CATCH(CException, e) {
e->GetErrorMessage(szErrMsg, _countof(szErrMsg));
_tprintf(_T("%s\n"), szErrMsg);
} else {
// TODO: change error code to suit your needs
_tprintf(_T("Fatal Error: GetModuleHandle failed\n"));
nRetCode = 1;
return nRetCode;
CodePudding user response:
The problem is NP-complete. It is closely related to the in-packing problem. Here is a proof:
You have a set of N items (audio track) that you want to balance in M containers (sides) so to minimize the size of the container (length of a side). The bin-packing decision problem is basically: find if the N items can be packed optimally so that they fit in M containers of a given size. This decision problem is NP-complete. You can reduce your problem to this bin-packing one. Indeed, the size of the container (the same in your case) is bounded: you can easily find a lower-bound where all items are guaranteed not to fit in the M container whatever the assignment, and find an upper-bound so all items are guaranteed to fit in the M container. This can be done by sorting the duration of the items and computing the sum the K first/last items. The idea is then do a binary search so to find the minimal size of the container where all items can fit. The reduction can be done in O(log(U-L) * T)
time where U
is the upper-bound duration, L
is the lower-bound duration and T
is the complexity of solving the bin-packing instance.
Note that the reduction can also be applied in the reverse way: some instance of the bin-packing decision problems (the one where all containers are equal like above), known to be NP-complete, can be reduced in your problem. Indeed, one can compute the optimal container size and check if it is bigger than a given size.
Since the best algorithm to solve the bin-packing instance is exponential, the best algorithm known for your algorithm is exponential too (if you succeed to find a polynomial algorithm, then it means you have proven that P=NP or that the above proof is wrong). The logarithmic transformation is great since this factor should be often small in your case (typically 10-15) and it means you can find an algorithm that is close to the speed of the best bin-packing algorithm. The good news is that you can reuse the best known bin-packing algorithm from decades of research. Thus, while this strategy may not give you best possible implementation, it certainly give you a very good algorithm based on the state-of-the-art (likely better than an algorithm written from scratch). Note that the better the lower/upper bound, the faster the binary search, so it is a good idea to find a pretty good bound. One can use randomized methods to quickly find a relatively small bound.
CodePudding user response:
One improvement I can think of: in order to eliminate redundant combinations, always select the longest title (still) available when "starting" a new side -- including the first. This ensures the following invariant: the longest title overall will always be on side A, the longest title that is not on A will be on B etc.
Also, keep track of the "globally" best side length you have found so far and don't consider combinations where a side exceeds this length (this can be initialized to maxint or infinity)
(This assumes that you fill records sequentially -- it's typically best to include your solution in the question so people can better see what you have done so far...)
Edit: To make your code more readable, I'd recommend to reduce the data representation to record lengths in seconds as integers. The names can be assigned at the end, they are not really relevant for the core of the problem here and they reduce readability.
You'll probably want to represent the data as follows:
- sorted integer array of title lengths (descending)
Recursion State
- current total length assigned
- sorted integer list of indices of currently unused titles (ascending)
- list of used title indices in assignment order
- list of current side lengths
- minimum side length so far
- list of globally best side lengths so far
- list of used titles for best side lengths so far
Where possible, operate on data structures in place during recursion, restoring the state as you exit a recursion step. This avoids data handover / allocation costs.
CodePudding user response:
The mathematical model for a MIP solver is:
Let the decision variables be:
x[i,j]=1 if song i is assigned to side j
0 otherwise
y[j]: length of side j
z : maximum length
min z
z >= sum(i, x[i,j]*length[i]) ∀j
sum(j, x[i,j]) = 1 ∀i
x[i,j] ∈ {0,1}
This should work with any MIP solver.