Home > Software design >  RMarkdown / Knitr: Hide code for Word document, but code folding in HTML document
RMarkdown / Knitr: Hide code for Word document, but code folding in HTML document


For a project, I would like the knitr-output when choosing for a HTML to enable code folding, but to hide all code when knitting a word document.

My current RMarkdown YAML:

title: "Title"
author: "me"
    code_folding: hide
    number_sections: false
    reference_docx: reference.docx
    # Option to hide code in word document?
    latex_engine: xelatex
bibliography: references.bib  
link-citations: yes
    wrap: 72
linestretch: 2
lang: en

Is there an option for the word_document YAML-tag to make this possible? Or another workaround or package? If you set echo=FALSE or include=FALSE in the R chuncks, then this also omits the code in the HTML document. Looked around in enter image description here

HTML Output

enter image description here

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