Home > Software design >  Notify app.js if it run from "npm run dev" or "npm start"
Notify app.js if it run from "npm run dev" or "npm start"


Is that possible to notify app.js file or any other file that I am using a specific script from package.json? my relevant scripts

"dev":"nodemon app.js",
"start":"node app.js"

In my case i have cron functions that run on background, its a problem when I using nodemon and some of those function invoked I kill them before them ended.

on other way , its more convenient to use nodemon on development, so i want to know if there is a way to notify my app.js if it run from "npm start" or "npm run dev"

CodePudding user response:

What about using arguments ?

"dev":"nodemon app.js dev",
"start":"node app.js production"

process.argv holds a list of all arguments, including dev and production now which can then be used to distinguish the two cases.

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