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How can I store a value from a list, after user input select's which list to use?


I want the user to type in a name, then I want to proceed by using specific values based on that input. My current solution is this:

model = input("Attacking Model:")
unit = float(input("How many "   str(model)  "'s:"))

if model == "Warrior":
    bal_Shot = unit * 3
    bal_Skill = (4/6)
    bal_Str = 5
    bal_AP = 2
    bal_Dam = 1
elif model == 'Ravener':
    bal_Shot = unit * 5
    bal_Skill = (4/6)
    bal_Str = 5
    bal_AP = 2
    bal_Dam = 1

However, once I start adding more model names it is going to start to look messy, and I'm assuming there is a more efficient way to do this.

Another solution I have played around with is creating a list for each, then attempting to set the variables to an index of a user inputted list.

model = input("Attacking Model:")

warrior=[3, (4/6), 5, 2, 1]
ravener=[5, (4/6), 5, 2, 1]

bal_Shot = model[0]
bal_Skill = model[1] 
bal_Str = model[2]
bal_AP = model[3]
bal_Dam = model[4]


But when I do this, it is just returning the letter of the input based on index.

Is it possible to return the correct values based on user input?

CodePudding user response:

A good approach is to use dict:

model = input("Attacking Model:")

objects = {"warrior":
    {"ball_shot": 3,
    "ball_Skill": (4/6)
    "ball_shot": 5,
    "ball_Skill": (4/6)

if model in objects.keys():
    print("Attacking model doesn't exist !")

You can display the result as you wish.

CodePudding user response:

It looks like you are making a confusion between a variable value and a variable name. If the variable named model contains the value warrior, it does not mean that you can use model[0] and expect python to interpret it as warrior[O]. I see two possible solutions to your problem.

If you know enough about object-oriented programming, I suggest you make the warrior and ravener two instances of the same class (maybe Character). You can then have a list of all your characters that you can iterate on and check if the character type is the same as the value of your model variable entered by the user.

If not, you can select the correct variable using the value entered by the user with vars() that returns a dictionary of all variables in scope (among other things). See this post this post for more information.

CodePudding user response:

You could put your ẁarrior and ravener lists into a dictionary, then you can simply get the corresponding values with a dictionary lookup:

model = input("Attacking Model:")

lookup = {
  "warrior": [3, 4 / 6, 5, 2, 1]
  "ravener": [5, 4 / 6, 5, 2, 1]

bal_Shot = lookup[model][0]
bal_Skill = lookup[model][1]
bal_Str = lookup[model][2]
bal_AP = lookup[model][3]
bal_Dam = lookup[model][4]


It might make sense to check whether the entered model name actually exists in the lookup dictioary, else you'll get a KeyError if the user enters a model name that doesn't exist in the ´ĺookup`:

model = input("Attacking Model: ")

lookup = {
  "warrior": [3, 4 / 6, 5, 2, 1]
  "ravener": [5, 4 / 6, 5, 2, 1]
while model not in lookup: # equivalent to "while model not in lookup.keys()"
  model = input("The model name you entered does not exist - please try again: )

bal_Shot = lookup[model][0]
bal_Skill = lookup[model][1]
bal_Str = lookup[model][2]
bal_AP = lookup[model][3]
bal_Dam = lookup[model][4]


CodePudding user response:

Use a dictionary: you can select which fighter it is:

model = input("Attacking Model:")

fighters = {"warrior": [3, (4/6), 5, 2, 1],
            "ravener": [5, (4/6), 5, 2, 1]}

bal_Shot = fighters[model][0]
bal_Skill = fighters[model][1]
bal_Str = fighters[model][2]
bal_AP = fighters[model][3]
bal_Dam = fighters[model][4]


Note: If the input is bad, you can use a try/except block:

   bal_Shot = fighters[model][0]
   bal_Skill = fighters[model][1]
   bal_Str = fighters[model][2]
   bal_AP = fighters[model][3]
   bal_Dam = fighters[model][4]
   model = input("Attacking Model:")

   bal_Shot = fighters[model][0]
   bal_Skill = fighters[model][1]
   bal_Str = fighters[model][2]
   bal_AP = fighters[model][3]
   bal_Dam = fighters[model][4]
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