Home > Software design >  How can I create several ebs volumes each of a different size using a map in terraform?
How can I create several ebs volumes each of a different size using a map in terraform?


I have a terraform tfvars file with a map of values that looks like this:

name_map = [
    name         = "devbox"
    device_names = ["/dev/xvdg", "/dev/xvdh"]
    volume_size = ["900", "200"]
    group        = "hosts"
    instance_type = "m5a.2xlarge"
    name         = "devbox2"
    device_names = ["/dev/xvdg", "/dev/xvdh"]
    volume_size = ["300", "200"]
    group        = "hosts"
    instance_type = "m5a.2xlarge"

] My tf file looks like this:

resource "aws_instance" "node" {
  count         = length(var.name_map)

  dynamic "ebs_block_device" {
    for_each = [for device in var.name_map.*.device_names[count.index] : {
      device_name = device,
      volume_size = var.name_map.*.volume_size[count.index]
    content {
      device_name           = ebs_block_device.value.device_name
      volume_type           = "gp2"
      volume_size           = ebs_block_device.value.volume_size
      delete_on_termination = true

So basically for the "devbox" instance I'd like "/dev/xvdg" to be 900 gbs, and "/dev/xvdh" to be 200 gbs. I'd like The current setup works to iterate through the device names of each mapping and get a single volume size but I'm trying to expand it to include different volume sizes for each device.

How would I do this?

I've tried a nested for_each statement but I keep getting errors. Would a flatten structure be the solution here? I'd love to see an example of what this would look like.

CodePudding user response:

I think what you want to do is the following:

resource "aws_instance" "node" {
  count = length(var.name_map)

  instance_type = var.name_map[count.index].instance_type
  ami = "..." # Fill in a valid AMI here

  dynamic "ebs_block_device" {
    for_each = [for i, device in var.name_map[count.index].device_names : {
      device_name = device,
      volume_size = var.name_map[count.index].volume_size[i]
    content {
      device_name           = ebs_block_device.value.device_name
      volume_type           = "gp2"
      volume_size           = ebs_block_device.value.volume_size
      delete_on_termination = true

While this works, I suggest you do the following:

variable "name_map" {
  default = [
      name = "devbox"
      devices = [
          device_name = "/dev/xvdg",
          volume_size = 900
          device_name = "/dev/xvdh",
          volume_size = 200
      group         = "hosts"
      instance_type = "m5a.2xlarge"
      name = "devbox2"
      devices = [
          device_name = "/dev/xvdg",
          volume_size = 900
          device_name = "/dev/xvdh",
          volume_size = 200
      group         = "hosts"
      instance_type = "m5a.2xlarge"

Note, the device_name and the volume_size are grouped together. Now we can use a simple foor loop where we don't have to rely on indexing:

resource "aws_instance" "node" {
  count = length(var.name_map)

  instance_type = var.name_map[count.index].instance_type
  ami           = "..." # fill in a valid AMI name

  dynamic "ebs_block_device" {
    # Notice the i variable (index) was dropped here
    for_each = [for device in var.name_map[count.index].devices : {
      device_name = device.device_name,
      volume_size = device.volume_size
    content {
      device_name           = ebs_block_device.value.device_name
      volume_type           = "gp2"
      volume_size           = ebs_block_device.value.volume_size
      delete_on_termination = true

CodePudding user response:

I would nest your map further to create something like this:

name_map = [
    name         = "devbox"
    root_block_device = {
    ebs_block_devices = toSet([
        name = "/dev/xvdg"
        size = "900"
        name = "/dev/xvdh"
        size = "200"
    group        = "hosts"
    instance_type = "m5a.2xlarge"

and then in your resource code you can loop over the set for each instance:

resource "aws_instance" "instance" {
  count = length(var.name_map)


  root_block_device {
    ...settings from var.name_map[count.index].root_block_device

  dynamic "ebs_block_device" {
    for_each = var.name_map[count.index].ebs_block_devices

    content {
      device_name = ebs_block_device.value.name
      volume_size = ebs_block_device.value.size

If you want the root volume to persist post termination I would suggest adding an EBS root volume, otherwise you can ignore the root_block_device and it will create an ephemeral device that contains the image.

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