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Flutter - Parameter Type for a Method


I am working a FLUTTER project and need to write a method (or maybe a function). One of the parameters in the method needs to be an expression like:

PlayList videos = videoList[index] as PlayList

Is it possible? If so what type should I should use.

CodePudding user response:

You can achieve what you want, by doing this

void sampleMethod(int playlistIndex){
    PlayList videos = videoList[playlistIndex] as PlayList;
    // do something with videos

Passing PlayList videos = videoList[index] as PlayList directly as parameter is not possible because, in Dart default values of optional parameters must be constants.

In your case, the value of videos depends on [index] which is a changing value.

CodePudding user response:

typedef ProcessCallback = PlayList Function(dynamic, int);

class PlayList {
  String? id;

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