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Only accept values based on another table ? (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Django)


I'm developing a School/University software and I got stucked in this situation:

Table Professor

id name
1 Mr. Ward
2 Mr. Smith

Table Subject

id name
1 Math
2 Physics
3 English

Table ProfessorsSubject

p_id s_id
1 1
1 2
2 3

(Mr. Ward, Math), (Mr. Ward, Physics) and (Mr. Smith, English)

Table StudentClass:

id name Building
10 Tenth Grade A
11 Eleventh Grade A

Table A:

sclass_id subj_id prof_id foo bar
10 1 1 foo1 bar1
10 2 1 foo2 bar2
10 3 NULL foo3 bar3
11 1 1 foo4 bar4
11 2 1 foo5 bar5
11 3 2 foo6 bar6
  • The pair(sclass_id, subj_id) must be UNIQUE.
  • prof_id might be NULL.
CREATE TABLE Professor (
    name varchar(100) NOT NULL

    name varchar(100) NOT NULL

CREATE TABLE ProfessorsSubject (
    prof_id int,
    subj_id int,
    PRIMARY KEY (prof_id, subj_id),
    FOREIGN KEY (prof_id) REFERENCES Professor(id),
    FOREIGN KEY (subj_id) REFERENCES Subject(id)

CREATE TABLE StudentClass (
    name     varchar(100) NOT NULL,
    building varchar(100)

   sclass_id  int,
   subj_id    int,
   prof_id    int,
   foo        varchar(10),
   bar        varchar(10),
   PRIMARY KEY (sclass_id, subj_id),

   FOREIGN KEY (sclass_id) REFERENCES StudentClass (id),
   FOREIGN KEY (subj_id )  REFERENCES ProfessorsSubject (subj_id),
   FOREIGN KEY (prof_id )  REFERENCES ProfessorsSubject (prof_id)

/* ==================================================================== */

INSERT INTO Professor(id, name) VALUES (1, "Mr. Ward");
INSERT INTO Professor(id, name) VALUES (2, "Mr. Smith");

INSERT INTO Subject(id, name) VALUES (1, "Math");
INSERT INTO Subject(id, name) VALUES (2, "Physics");
INSERT INTO Subject(id, name) VALUES (3, "English");

INSERT INTO ProfessorsSubject (prof_id, subj_id) VALUES (1, 1);
INSERT INTO ProfessorsSubject (prof_id, subj_id) VALUES (1, 2);
INSERT INTO ProfessorsSubject (prof_id, subj_id) VALUES (2, 3);

INSERT INTO StudentClass(id, name, building) VALUES (10, "Tenth Grade", "A");
INSERT INTO StudentClass(id, name, building) VALUES (11, "Eleventh Grade", "A");

/* ==================================================================== */

INSERT INTO A (sclass_id, subj_id, prof_id, foo, bar) VALUES (10, 1, 1, "foo1", "bar1");
INSERT INTO A (sclass_id, subj_id, prof_id, foo, bar) VALUES (10, 2, 1, "foo2", "bar2");
INSERT INTO A (sclass_id, subj_id, prof_id, foo, bar) VALUES (10, 3, 1, "foo3", "bar3");

/* ==================================================================== */

Mr. Ward shouldn't be able to teach English to Tenth Grade, because this combination is not present in table ProfessorsSubject.

  1. To avoid inconsitences in a database level, how to make sure the pair (prof_id, subj_id) in Table A respects what is in "SubjectOfProfessor" table before insert?
    1.1) Is it necessary to use Procedures? Triggers ?
    1.2) Is it possible to make this just using fields proprieties and/or constraints ?

  2. What if I wanted to do this using Django ORM in a databased level ?
    Reference: migrations.RunSQL('ALTER TABLE app_event ADD CONSTRAINT chronology CHECK (start_date > end_date);

CodePudding user response:

You can use a combined foreign key in the table A as you did with the primary key in the table ProfessorsSubject. A corresponding index on the referenced table is required which actually is fulfilled by its primary key already.

FOREIGN KEY (subj_id, prof_id)  REFERENCES ProfessorsSubject (subj_id, prof_id)
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