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Table is not rendering array values


I have a users list that is correctly fetched from the API as I can see the records in my console. However, when I try to map it and display it as a table, it doesn't work. This is my component:

interface IUser {
    id: number,
    email: string,
    username: string,


interface UsersProps {
    user: IUser[],
    url?: string,
    loading: boolean

const Users: React.FC<UsersProps> = ({
}) => {

    const [users, setUsers] = useState<UsersProps>({
        loading: true,

    const request: RequestInit = {
        method: 'GET',
        body: JSON.stringify(user),
        headers: {


    useEffect(() => {
        fetch(url, request).then(response => response.json()).then(data => {
            setUsers(prev => ({
                user: [...prev.user, data],
                }) )
            console.log(users.user, "users")
            console.log("url", url)
    }, [])

    const getUsers = (u: IUser[]) => {
        console.log("users table", u)
        return (
                    {u.map((user, index) =>
                        <tr key={index}>

    users.user.map((user) => {
        console.log("uswe o", user)

    const rendering = () => {
        return (
            users.loading ?
                <div>Is loading...</div> :
    //console.log("get users", getUsers(users.user))
    return (
            {rendering() }

export default Users;

I don't understand what I'm doing wrong, since the values should be displayed.screenshot

CodePudding user response:

I assume that you get an array from your fetch. So I think you should spread the data like that :

useEffect(() => {
    fetch(url, request).then(response => response.json()).then(data => {
        setUsers(prev => ({
            user: [...prev.user, ...data],
}, [])

With your code it seems that users.user is an array of an array then you can't try to access email, password and username.

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