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Unable to extract key/value pairs from a map obtained through YAML


I use the goldmark-meta package to read a YAML file. The contents I'm interested in look like this in the YAML:

- a: ay
- b: bee
- c: see

I want to get access to both keys and values of the returned interface, and I'm stuck. Iterating through the return gives me a list of the key/value pairs, but I don't know how to obtain any info when I don't know the key names in advance. This program prints out the following:

func (c *config) burger() string {
    // c.pageFm is type map[string]interface{}
    b, ok := c.pageFm["burger"].([]interface{})
    if !ok {
    // No burger entry  in yaml
        return ""
  debug("Burger list has %v items:\n%v", len(b), b)  
  debug("Type: %v", reflect.TypeOf(b))
  for i := 0; i < len(b); i   {
    debug("%v", b[i])
 return ""
Burger list has 3 items:
[map[a:ay] map[b:bee] map[c:see]]
Type: []interface {}

How do I obtain the key and value strings?

CodePudding user response:

In your YAML data, you have a key (burger) the value of which is a list of maps (and each map has a single key). We can iterate over the items in burger like this:

b, ok := c.pageFm["burger"].([]interface{})
if !ok {
  return ""

for _, item := range burger {

For each item, we can iterate over available keys and values:

for _, item := range burger {
  for k, v := range item.(map[interface{}]interface{}) {

We can convert keys and values from interface{} into string using fmt.Sprintf:

for _, item := range burger {
  for k, v := range item.(map[interface{}]interface{}) {
    k_str := fmt.Sprintf("%v", k)
    v_str := fmt.Sprintf("%v", v)

    fmt.Printf("key %s value %s\n", k_str, v_str)

Starting with the sample code from goldmark-meta, I put together this example:

package main

import (

    meta "github.com/yuin/goldmark-meta"

func main() {
    markdown := goldmark.New(
    source := `---
- a: ay
- b: bee
- c: see

# Hello goldmark-meta

    var buf bytes.Buffer
    context := parser.NewContext()
    if err := markdown.Convert([]byte(source), &buf, parser.WithContext(context)); err != nil {
    metaData := meta.Get(context)
    burger := metaData["burger"].([]interface{})
    for _, item := range burger {
        for k, v := range item.(map[interface{}]interface{}) {
            k_str := fmt.Sprintf("%v", k)
            v_str := fmt.Sprintf("%v", v)
            fmt.Printf("key %s value %s\n", k_str, v_str)

Which outputs:

key a value ay
key b value bee
key c value see
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  • go
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