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Batch script to delete all the subfolders inside specific folder in all remote servers and output as


Here I am trying to execute a batch script which deletes subfolders under folder "updates" in all remote machines. List of servers are passed as input (serverlist.txt)

echo off
for /f %%l in (C:\deleteauto\delrem\serverlist.txt) do
if exist C:\updates goto sub
if not exist C:\updates goto nofile

del /f /q "C:\updates\*.*"
for /d %%d in ("C:\updates\*.*") do rmdir /s /q "%%d"
echo folder is deleted in %%l >>c:\finaloutput.txt

echo No folders in %%l >>c:\final output.txt

Can someone please help in rectifying the errors. Script executed but outputs nothing.

CodePudding user response:

Try this code:

@echo off
for /f "tokens=*" %%l in (C:\deleteauto\delrem\serverlist.txt) do (
    if exist "\\%%l\C$\updates" (
        pushd "\\%%l\C$\updates"
        del /f /q "*."
        for /d %%d in ("*.") do rmdir /s /q "%%d"
        echo Folder is deleted on server: %%l>>finaloutput.txt
    ) else (
        echo Folder does not exist on server: %%l>>finaloutput.txt

CodePudding user response:

Here's an example of how I may tackle the task:

@Echo Off
SetLocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion

Set "SvrLst=C:\deleteauto\delrem\serverlist.txt"

If Not Exist "%SvrLst%" GoTo :EOF
(For /F UseBackQ^ Delims^=^ EOL^= %%G In ("%SvrLst%"
    ) Do PushD "%%~G\C$\updates" 2>NUL && (
        RD /S /Q . 2>NUL
        Echo Instruction to empty directory applied on %%~G & PopD
    ) || Echo Directory path not found on %%~G) 1>"C:\finaloutput.txt"

You will note that I have not stated that the directory was emptied. Just because an instruction was applied, does not mean that it was successful at doing so. Unless you check that the \C$\updates directory is completely empty afterwards, you should not imply that it is.

CodePudding user response:

Errors were rectified by @Fire Fox , Thank you! Modified slightly & it worked as expected. Code:

@echo off
for /f "tokens=*" %%l in (C:\deleteauto\delrem\serverlist.txt) do (
    if exist "\\%%l\C$\updates" (
        pushd "\\%%l\C$\updates"
        del /f /q "\\%%l\C$\updates\*.*"
        for /d %%d in ("\\%%l\C$\updates\*.*") do rmdir /s /q "%%d"
        echo Folder is deleted on server: %%l>>C:\finaloutput.txt
    ) else (
        echo Folder does not exist on server: %%l>>C:\finaloutput.txt
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