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Why is the method returning in yield return get.SendWebRequest()


I have a function in unity that makes a request for a server, and for each value in the result, it should call a function to add a image on a list and get an object from the same server and add on another list

    public void SaveServer() {
        string serverAddress = inputField.text;
        GlobalStateData.getInstance().ServerAdress = serverAddress;
        StartCoroutine(Utils.GetRequest(GlobalStateData.getInstance().ServerAdress   "file/ObjectController/",
            (UnityWebRequest) => {
                JArray jsonResponse = JArray.Parse(UnityWebRequest.downloadHandler.text);
                foreach (var json in jsonResponse) {
                    String base64 = (string)json["trackingImage"]["file"]["base64"];
                    String name = (string)json["file"]["name"];
                    int objectId = (int)json["id"];
                    Texture2D texture = Utils.Base64ToTexture2D(base64);

                    StartCoroutine(addImageAndObject(objectId, texture, name));

    private IEnumerator addImageAndObject(int objectId, Texture2D texture2D, String name) {
        StartCoroutine(addImage(texture2D, name));
        yield return AddObjectById(objectId, name).MoveNext();

but in the AddObjectById the method is stopping before complete the request

    private IEnumerator AddObjectById(int id, string name) {
        string url = GlobalStateData.getInstance().ServerAdress   "bundle/ObjectBundleController/"   id;
        UnityWebRequest get = UnityWebRequest.Get(url);
        yield return get.SendWebRequest(); // it stops here
        if (get.result != UnityWebRequest.Result.Success) {
            yield return false;
        else {
            AssetBundle bundle = DownloadHandlerAssetBundle.GetContent(get);
            GameObject obj = (GameObject)bundle.LoadAsset(name);
            yield return true;

I didn't understand how my GetRequest Method Works and the AddObjectById

Here is the GetRequest

    public static IEnumerator GetRequest(string server, Action<UnityWebRequest> successCallback, Action<String> errorCallback = null) {
        UnityWebRequest get = UnityWebRequest.Get(server);
        yield return get.SendWebRequest();
        if (get.result != UnityWebRequest.Result.Success) {
            if(errorCallback != null)
                errorCallback("Cannot make request to "   server  
                          "\nerror:"   get.error);
            yield return false;
        else {
            yield return true;

and this one runs fine. What should I do to the method to not stops after the first yield return?

CodePudding user response:

Well, yield works by returning results from one iteration,and what comes after will not be executed. In your method, when a call is made to AddObjectById, it will stop at the first yield it finds and return its value, in this case get.SendWebRequest();, not continuing the flow. If you move yield return get.SendWebRequest(); after of if-else, it will never enter, as it will have some return in yield return coming from "if-else".

CodePudding user response:

I found out that if the gameObject is not active gameObject.SetActive(false); the Coroutines stops too. The problem was not with the coroutines but with the gameObject being deactivated

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