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OneSignal PlayerId from android studio webview app


There's been a lot of talk about this already, but I just found confusion.

I want to send notifications on my android app to a single user.

(I hate android studio, and I'm not that good at java)

I have my website with registration/login, and user id.

The idea is to create a mysql table with my Onesignal userId and playerId, and then send push notifications to a single user via curl. enter image description here

I connected oneSignal to my app in android studio. enter image description here

(I receive push notification if i send it from onesignal)

I have this code which allows me to save the playerId of OneSignal in my database, but I can only get the playerId from website, not from android app.

<script src="https://cdn.onesignal.com/sdks/OneSignalSDK.js" async=""></script>
      var OneSignal = window.OneSignal || [];
      OneSignal.push(function() {
          appId: "bb1bf59b-fb3b-4906-a0a8-279d5623f9d7"
  OneSignal.push(function() {
  //playerid salvato in mysql
  OneSignal.isPushNotificationsEnabled(function(isEnabled) {
  if (isEnabled) {
      // user has subscribed
      OneSignal.getUserId( function(userId) {
          //console.log('player_id of the subscribed user is : '   userId);
          // Make a POST call to your server with the user ID  
          AjaxOneSignal('onesignal.php', '?uid=<? echo $user_uid; ?>&rand=<? echo time(); ?>&playerid=' userId);      

How do I get it from android app?

(Sending my userId as a tag to OneSignal would also be fine for me, I just need a quick and easy way that works.

Please help me get out of this stupid nightmare...

(No, i dont want to use firebase, that thing doesn't work, it breaks with every update of a plugin, a module, an sdk, android studio, etc, etc, etc... I wasted three days of my life with that crap without getting anything.)

CodePudding user response:


As I see you have OneSignal SDK in your application. You can use this method to get playerId

OneSignal.addSubscriptionObserver(new OSSubscriptionObserver() {
    public void onOSSubscriptionChanged(OSSubscriptionStateChanges osSubscriptionStateChanges) {
       String playerId = osSubscriptionStateChanges.getFrom().getUserId();

Here can use JavascriptInterface, it allows to call java code from the javascript.

  1. When you get userId from OneSignal store it in some variable.

  2. Then create method like this. In this case I create it in Activity:

    public String getUserId() {
        return userId;
  3. After that you need add JavaScriptInterface to your webview:


Here we use this, because our method with JavascriptInterface annotation located in Activity.

OneSignalBridge - is just a random name, you can use any name you want

  1. Now you can call this method from javascript code.

      function someFunc(){
          var userId = OneSignalBridge.getUserId();

CodePudding user response:

So... i do this enter image description here

And this enter image description here

but no id from android app and i see this error in firefox enter image description here

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