Home > Software design >  How do I retrieve data from firebase realtime database and fill it in a table in unity
How do I retrieve data from firebase realtime database and fill it in a table in unity


I am trying to retrieve data from a table in firebase Realtime database and sort it in a table I have made inside unity. this is how my database structure look like

enter image description here

and this is what my code looks like

using Firebase;
using Firebase.Database;
using System;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using Firebase.Unity;

public class ScheduleRetriever : MonoBehaviour
    // Table GameObject
    public GameObject table;
    // Prefab for table rows
    public GameObject rowPrefab;

    private DatabaseReference mDatabaseRef;
    private void Start()
        // Initialize Firebase
        FirebaseApp.CheckAndFixDependenciesAsync().ContinueWith(task => {
            var dependencyStatus = task.Result;
            if (dependencyStatus == Firebase.DependencyStatus.Available)
                // Get reference to the "timetable" node
                mDatabaseRef = FirebaseDatabase.DefaultInstance.GetReference("timetable");
                // Retrieve data from the "timetable" node
                mDatabaseRef.GetValueAsync().ContinueWith(task => {
                    if (task.IsCompleted && !task.IsCanceled && !task.IsFaulted)
                        DataSnapshot snapshot = task.Result;
                        // Iterate through the children of the snapshot
                        foreach (var idChild in snapshot.Children)
                            DataSnapshot idSnapshot = idChild.Value as DataSnapshot;
                            //DataSnapshot idSnapshot = idChild.Value as DataSnapshot;
                            Debug.LogError("wut ");
                            // Add the data to the table
                        Debug.LogError("Data retrieval failed: "   task.Exception);
                  "Could not resolve all Firebase dependencies: "   dependencyStatus);

    private void AddDataToTable(DataSnapshot idChild)
        // Create a new row
        GameObject newRow = Instantiate(rowPrefab);
        // Set the parent of the new row to the table
        newRow.transform.SetParent(table.transform, false);
        // Get the text components of the new row
        Text[] rowTexts = newRow.GetComponentsInChildren<Text>();
        // Set the text of the first column to the "fname" value retrieved from Firebase
        rowTexts[0].text = idChild.Child("fname").Value.ToString();
        // Set the text of the second column to the "monday" value retrieved from Firebase
        rowTexts[1].text = idChild.Child("monday").Value.ToString();
        // Set the text of the third column to the "tuesday" value retrieved from Firebase
        rowTexts[2].text = idChild.Child("tuesday").Value.ToString();
        // Set the text of the fourth column to the "wednesday" value retrieved from Firebase
        rowTexts[3].text = idChild.Child("wednesday").Value.ToString();
        // Set the text of the fifth column to the "thursday" value retrieved from Firebase
        rowTexts[4].text = idChild.Child("thursday").Value.ToString();
        // Set the text of the sixth column to the "friday" value retrieved from Firebase
        rowTexts[5].text = idChild.Child("friday").Value.ToString();


can anyone help check my code on why the table in unity wouldn't be filled when I run the scene. and did I code the reference to each node correctly. thank you!

CodePudding user response:

Replace ContinueWith by ContinueWithOnMainThread

Most of Unity API isn't thread save and can only be used by the Unity main UI thread => you will either get a warning/error in the console or it might get eaten by the task.

As the name says ContinueWithOnMainThread makes sure you are on the Unity main thread when instantiating, setting the texts etc

besides that hit CTRL S it seems you have unsaved changes there (= yellow lines) ^^

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