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further expldoe on string datatype pyspark


I have df where I have the column called data. In the data column we can expect the single values per identifier_filed column or list values. This is shown as [ ]brackets under the data column. For example Allegren under the values column can have different data type, but this specific identifie_field has only one value but other identifie_field can more than one .

Moreoverphysical_form value can have multiple data type values also. I would like to explode on data column and presnt each value as a seperate row.

schema of the df:

 |-- identifier_field: string (nullable = true)
 |-- values: string (nullable = false)
 |-- data: string (nullable = true)
 |-- locale: string (nullable = true)
 |-- scope: string (nullable = true)

How it looks now: enter image description here

Desired OUTPUT:

enter image description here

CodePudding user response:

Alternative solution without udf.

df = (df
      .withColumn('data', F.when(F.col('data').substr(0, 1) != '[', 
                                 F.concat(F.lit('["'), F.col('data'), F.lit('"]')))
      .withColumn('data', F.from_json('data', 'array<string>'))

First when statement might require a change based on what other data you have in the data column. The reason is the first row is not a array looking string, so you need to align all string to be the array like string. Then, you can use from_json to convert it to ArrayType which then you can do explode on.

CodePudding user response:


df.withColumn("data", split(col("data"), ","))
.withColumn("data", explode_outer("data"))
.withColumn("data", regexp_replace(col("data"), '\"|\[|\]','')).show()
 -------------------- -------------------- -------- 
|    identifier_field|              values|    data|
 -------------------- -------------------- -------- 
|PCR-0020779-SAMKG...|prohibited_restri...|      no|
|PCR-0020779-SAMKG...|       physical_form|crystals|
|PCR-0020779-SAMKG...|       physical_form|  powder|
|PCR-0020779-SAMKG...|      region_country| Emea_EU|
 -------------------- -------------------- -------- 

You can use UDF to convert string value to array in column data and then explode.

data = [("PCR-0020779-SAMKGO-FH", "prohibited_restricted_authorised_chemicals", "no"),
        ("PCR-0020779-SAMKGO-FH", "physical_form", '["crystals", "powder"]'),
        ("PCR-0020779-SAMKGO-FH", "region_country", ' ["Emea_EU"]')]
columns = ["identifier_field", "values", "data"]

spark.createDataFrame(data, columns)
 --------------------- ------------------------------------------ ---------------------- 
|identifier_field     |values                                    |data                  |
 --------------------- ------------------------------------------ ---------------------- 
|PCR-0020779-SAMKGO-FH|prohibited_restricted_authorised_chemicals|no                    |
|PCR-0020779-SAMKGO-FH|physical_form                             |["crystals", "powder"]|
|PCR-0020779-SAMKGO-FH|region_country                            | ["Emea_EU"]          |
 --------------------- ------------------------------------------ ---------------------- 

def string_to_array(c):
    out = eval(c) if c.strip().startswith('[') else [c]
    return out

string_to_array_udf = udf(string_to_array, ArrayType(StringType()))
out_df = df.withColumn("data", string_to_array_udf(col("data"))).withColumn("data", explode_outer("data"))

 -------------------- -------------------- -------- 
|    identifier_field|              values|    data|
 -------------------- -------------------- -------- 
|PCR-0020779-SAMKG...|prohibited_restri...|      no|
|PCR-0020779-SAMKG...|       physical_form|crystals|
|PCR-0020779-SAMKG...|       physical_form|  powder|
|PCR-0020779-SAMKG...|      region_country| Emea_EU|
 -------------------- -------------------- -------- 
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