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Reallocate the fraction of weights above threshold to the other weights while maintaining the sum pe


I have a dataframe df1 with Date and ID as index and the Weight. I want to set an upper weight limit (30%) of the weights per date. The weights on each day add up to 100% and if I set an upper weight limit, it is the case that the next biggest weight is then bigger than the weight limit of 30%. Is there a way to account for that without doing several iterations? The remaining weight sum which are not bigger than the max weight add up to: 100% - number of max weights reached.

      Date ID  Weight
2023-01-30  A    0.45  <-- over max weight of 30%
2023-01-30  B    0.25
2023-01-30  C    0.15
2023-01-30  D    0.10
2023-01-30  E    0.05
2023-01-31  A    0.55
2023-01-31  B    0.25
2023-01-31  C    0.20
2023-01-31  D    0.00
2023-01-31  E    0.00

      Date ID  Weight  Weight_upper
2023-01-30  A    0.45         0.300 <-- set to max weight
2023-01-30  B    0.25         0.318 <-- bigger than max weight
2023-01-30  C    0.15         0.191
2023-01-30  D    0.10         0.127 (ex calculation: 0.1 * (1 - 0.3)/(0.25 0.15 0.1 0.05)
2023-01-30  E    0.05         0.060
2023-01-31  A    0.55         0.300
2023-01-31  B    0.25         0.389
2023-01-31  C    0.20         0.311
2023-01-31  D    0.00         0.000
2023-01-31  E    0.00         0.000

For reproducibility:

df = pd.DataFrame({
    'Date':['2023-01-30', '2023-01-30', '2023-01-30', '2023-01-30', '2023-01-30', '2023-01-31', '2023-01-31', '2023-01-31', '2023-01-31', '2023-01-31'],
    'ID':['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'],
    'Weight':[0.45, 0.25, 0.15, 0.1, 0.05, 0.55, 0.25, 0.2, 0, 0]})

Many thanks for your help!

CodePudding user response:

The logic is unclear, so I'll assume you want to allocate the fraction of the weights above the desired max (0.3) to the other weights in a way that doesn't cause any other weight to become above threshold.

I would compute the difference to the threshold, then split the values into above/below and allocate the extra weight proportionally to the available space for each weight below threshold:

max_weight = 0.3

df2 = df.assign(diff=df['Weight'].sub(max_weight),
                mask=lambda d: d['diff'].gt(0),
                above=lambda d: d['diff'].where(d['mask']),
                below=lambda d: d['diff'].mask(d['mask']),
g = df2.groupby('Date')

df['Weight_upper'] = (df2['below']



         Date ID  Weight  Weight_upper
0  2023-01-30  A    0.45      0.300000
1  2023-01-30  B    0.25      0.261538
2  2023-01-30  C    0.15      0.184615
3  2023-01-30  D    0.10      0.146154
4  2023-01-30  E    0.05      0.107692
5  2023-01-31  A    0.55      0.300000
6  2023-01-31  B    0.25      0.266667
7  2023-01-31  C    0.20      0.233333
8  2023-01-31  D    0.00      0.100000
9  2023-01-31  E    0.00      0.100000


         Date ID  Weight  diff   mask  above  below  Weight_upper
0  2023-01-30  A    0.45  0.15   True   0.15    NaN      0.300000
1  2023-01-30  B    0.25 -0.05  False    NaN  -0.05      0.261538
2  2023-01-30  C    0.15 -0.15  False    NaN  -0.15      0.184615
3  2023-01-30  D    0.10 -0.20  False    NaN  -0.20      0.146154
4  2023-01-30  E    0.05 -0.25  False    NaN  -0.25      0.107692
5  2023-01-31  A    0.55  0.25   True   0.25    NaN      0.300000
6  2023-01-31  B    0.25 -0.05  False    NaN  -0.05      0.266667
7  2023-01-31  C    0.20 -0.10  False    NaN  -0.10      0.233333
8  2023-01-31  D    0.00 -0.30  False    NaN  -0.30      0.100000
9  2023-01-31  E    0.00 -0.30  False    NaN  -0.30      0.100000
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