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Dynamically fetch columns as JSON in oracle


I have to get some columns as is and some columns from a query as JSON document. The as is column names are known to me but rest are dynamic columns so there are not known beforehand.

Below is the query like

select col1,col2,col3,
       sum(col4) as col4,
       sum(col5) as col5
from my_table
group by col1,col2,col3;

here col4,col5 names are unknown to me as they are been fetched dynamically.

Suppost my_table data looks like

enter image description here

The expected result is like below

enter image description here

I tried

select JSON_OBJECT(*) from
select col1,col2,col3,
       sum(col4) as col4,
       sum(col5) as col5
from my_table
group by col1,col2,col3

But obviously it does not yield expected output. I'm on 19c DB version 19.17 Any help or suggestion would be great help!

CodePudding user response:

It's kinda hacky, but you could:

  • Use json_object(*) to convert the whole row to json
  • Pass the result of this json_transform*, which you can use to remove unwanted attributes

So you could do something like:

with rws as (
  select mod ( level, 2 ) col1, mod ( level, 3 ) col2, 
         level col3, level col4
  from   dual
  connect by level <= 10
), grps as (
  select col1,col2,
         sum(col3) as col3,
         sum(col4) as col4
  from   rws
  group by col1,col2
select col1,col2,
       json_transform ( 
         remove '$.COL1',
         remove '$.COL2' 
       ) json_data
from   grps;

      COL1       COL2 JSON_DATA                     
---------- ---------- ------------------------------
         1          1 {"COL3":8,"COL4":8}           
         0          2 {"COL3":10,"COL4":10}         
         1          0 {"COL3":12,"COL4":12}         
         0          1 {"COL3":14,"COL4":14}         
         1          2 {"COL3":5,"COL4":5}           
         0          0 {"COL3":6,"COL4":6}
  • json_transform is a 21c feature that's been backported to 19c in 19.10.

CodePudding user response:

You may achieve this by using Polymorphic Table Function available since 18c.

Define the function that will project only specific columns and serialize others into JSON. An implementation is below.

  1. PTF package (function implementation).
create package pkg_jsonify as
  /*Package to implement PTF.
  Functions below implement the API
  described in the DBMS_TF package*/

  function describe(
    tab in out dbms_tf.table_t,
    keep_cols in dbms_tf.columns_t
  ) return dbms_tf.describe_t
  procedure fetch_rows;
end pkg_jsonify;
create package body pkg_jsonify as

  function describe(
    tab in out dbms_tf.table_t,
    keep_cols in dbms_tf.columns_t
  ) return dbms_tf.describe_t
    add_cols dbms_tf.columns_new_t;
    new_col_cnt pls_integer := 0;
    for i in 1..tab.column.count loop
      /*Initially remove column from the output*/
      tab.column(i).pass_through := FALSE;
      /*and keep it in the row processing (to be available for serialization*/
      tab.column(i).for_read := TRUE;
      for j in 1..keep_cols.count loop
        /*If column is in a projection list, then remove it
        from processing and pass it as is*/
        if tab.column(i).description.name = keep_cols(j)
            tab.column(i).pass_through := TRUE;
            /*Skip column in the row processing (JSON serialization)*/
            tab.column(i).for_read := FALSE;
        end if;
      end loop;
    end loop;

    /*Define new output column*/
    add_cols := dbms_tf.columns_new_t(
      1 => dbms_tf.column_metadata_t(
        name => 'JSON_DOC_DATA',
        type => dbms_tf.type_clob
    /*Return the list of new cols*/
    return dbms_tf.describe_t(
      new_columns => add_cols
  procedure fetch_rows
  /*Process rowset and serialize cols*/
    rowset dbms_tf.row_set_t;
    num_rows pls_integer;
    new_col dbms_tf.tab_clob_t;
    /*Get rows*/
      rowset => rowset,
      row_count => num_rows
    for rn in 1..num_rows loop
      /*Calculate new column value in the same row*/
      new_col(rn) := dbms_tf.row_to_char(
        rowset => rowset,
        rid => rn,
        format => dbms_tf.FORMAT_JSON
    end loop;
    /*Put column to output*/
      columnid => 1,
      collection => new_col

end pkg_jsonify;
  1. PTF function definition based on the package.
create function f_cols_to_json(tab in table, cols in columns)
/*Function to serialize into JSON using PTF*/
return table pipelined
row polymorphic using pkg_jsonify;
  1. Demo.
create table sample_tab
  trunc(level/10) as id
  , mod(level, 3) as id2
  , level as val1
  , level * level as val2
from dual
connect by level < 40
with prep as (
    , id2
    , sum(val1) as val1_sum
    , max(val2) as val2_max
  from sample_tab
  group by
    , id2
select *
from table(f_cols_to_json(prep, columns(id, id2)))
0 1 {"VAL1_SUM":12, "VAL2_MAX":49}
0 2 {"VAL1_SUM":15, "VAL2_MAX":64}
0 0 {"VAL1_SUM":18, "VAL2_MAX":81}
1 1 {"VAL1_SUM":58, "VAL2_MAX":361}
1 2 {"VAL1_SUM":42, "VAL2_MAX":289}
1 0 {"VAL1_SUM":45, "VAL2_MAX":324}
2 2 {"VAL1_SUM":98, "VAL2_MAX":841}
2 0 {"VAL1_SUM":72, "VAL2_MAX":729}
2 1 {"VAL1_SUM":75, "VAL2_MAX":784}
3 0 {"VAL1_SUM":138, "VAL2_MAX":1521}
3 1 {"VAL1_SUM":102, "VAL2_MAX":1369}
3 2 {"VAL1_SUM":105, "VAL2_MAX":1444}
with prep as (
    , id2
    , sum(val1) as val1_sum
    , max(val2) as val2_max
  from sample_tab
  group by
    , id2
select *
from table(f_cols_to_json(prep, columns(id)))
0 {"ID2":1, "VAL1_SUM":12, "VAL2_MAX":49}
0 {"ID2":2, "VAL1_SUM":15, "VAL2_MAX":64}
0 {"ID2":0, "VAL1_SUM":18, "VAL2_MAX":81}
1 {"ID2":1, "VAL1_SUM":58, "VAL2_MAX":361}
1 {"ID2":2, "VAL1_SUM":42, "VAL2_MAX":289}
1 {"ID2":0, "VAL1_SUM":45, "VAL2_MAX":324}
2 {"ID2":2, "VAL1_SUM":98, "VAL2_MAX":841}
2 {"ID2":0, "VAL1_SUM":72, "VAL2_MAX":729}
2 {"ID2":1, "VAL1_SUM":75, "VAL2_MAX":784}
3 {"ID2":0, "VAL1_SUM":138, "VAL2_MAX":1521}
3 {"ID2":1, "VAL1_SUM":102, "VAL2_MAX":1369}
3 {"ID2":2, "VAL1_SUM":105, "VAL2_MAX":1444}


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