Home > Software design >  Why is -math.inf and math.inf added to this minimax algorithm, if these starting values be replaced
Why is -math.inf and math.inf added to this minimax algorithm, if these starting values be replaced


as you can see this is the code for an unbeatable AI TicTacToe game(game.py is the main file):


import math
import random

class Player():
    def __init__(self, letter):
        self.letter = letter

    def get_move(self, game):

class HumanPlayer(Player):
    def __init__(self, letter):

    def get_move(self, game):
        valid_square = False
        val = None
        while not valid_square:
            square = input(self.letter   '\'s turn. Input move (0-9): ')
                val = int(square)
                if val not in game.available_moves():
                    raise ValueError
                valid_square = True
            except ValueError:
                print('Invalid square. Try again.')
        return val

class RandomComputerPlayer(Player):
    def __init__(self, letter):

    def get_move(self, game):
        square = random.choice(game.available_moves())
        return square

class SmartComputerPlayer(Player):
    def __init__(self, letter):

    def get_move(self, game):
        if len(game.available_moves()) == 9:
            square = random.choice(game.available_moves())
            square = self.minimax(game, self.letter)['position']
        return square

    def minimax(self, state, player):
        max_player = self.letter  # yourself
        other_player = 'O' if player == 'X' else 'X'

        # first we want to check if the previous move is a winner
        if state.current_winner == other_player:
            return {'position': None, 'score': 1 * (state.num_empty_squares()   1) if other_player == max_player else -1 * (
                        state.num_empty_squares()   1)}
        elif not state.empty_squares():
            return {'position': None, 'score': 0}

        if player == max_player:
            best = {'position': None, 'score': -math.inf}  # each score should maximize
            best = {'position': None, 'score': math.inf}  # each score should minimize
        for possible_move in state.available_moves():
            state.make_move(possible_move, player)
            sim_score = self.minimax(state, other_player)  # simulate a game after making that move

            # undo move
            state.board[possible_move] = ' '
            state.current_winner = None
            sim_score['position'] = possible_move  # this represents the move optimal next move

            if player == max_player:  # X is max player
                if sim_score['score'] > best['score']:
                    best = sim_score
                if sim_score['score'] < best['score']:
                    best = sim_score
        return best


import math
import random

class Player():
    def __init__(self, letter):
        self.letter = letter

    def get_move(self, game):

class HumanPlayer(Player):
    def __init__(self, letter):

    def get_move(self, game):
        valid_square = False
        val = None
        while not valid_square:
            square = input(self.letter   '\'s turn. Input move (0-9): ')
                val = int(square)
                if val not in game.available_moves():
                    raise ValueError
                valid_square = True
            except ValueError:
                print('Invalid square. Try again.')
        return val

class RandomComputerPlayer(Player):
    def __init__(self, letter):

    def get_move(self, game):
        square = random.choice(game.available_moves())
        return square

class SmartComputerPlayer(Player):
    def __init__(self, letter):

    def get_move(self, game):
        if len(game.available_moves()) == 9:
            square = random.choice(game.available_moves())
            square = self.minimax(game, self.letter)['position']
        return square

    def minimax(self, state, player):
        max_player = self.letter  # yourself
        other_player = 'O' if player == 'X' else 'X'

        # first we want to check if the previous move is a winner
        if state.current_winner == other_player:
            return {'position': None, 'score': 1 * (state.num_empty_squares()   1) if other_player == max_player else -1 * (
                        state.num_empty_squares()   1)}
        elif not state.empty_squares():
            return {'position': None, 'score': 0}

        if player == max_player:
            best = {'position': None, 'score': -math.inf}  # each score should maximize
            best = {'position': None, 'score': math.inf}  # each score should minimize
        for possible_move in state.available_moves():
            state.make_move(possible_move, player)
            sim_score = self.minimax(state, other_player)  # simulate a game after making that move

            # undo move
            state.board[possible_move] = ' '
            state.current_winner = None
            sim_score['position'] = possible_move  # this represents the move optimal next move

            if player == max_player:  # X is max player
                if sim_score['score'] > best['score']:
                    best = sim_score
                if sim_score['score'] < best['score']:
                    best = sim_score
        return best

I know that if the player is the maximizing player, then you start with a score of negative infinity, and look for a better score. Otherwise, you start with a positive score, and look for the worst score. One player tries to minimize the score, and the other player tries to maximize the score. But after countless hours of research I still don't know why -math.inf and math.inf is added to this minimax algorithm, if these starting values be replaced with the highest and lowest score later?

You would do me a very big favor, if you could explain it for dummies(as easy as possible), because I am a beginner :)

PS: I am referring to this code snippet:

if player == max_player:
            best = {'position': None, 'score': -math.inf}  
            best = {'position': None, 'score': math.inf}

CodePudding user response:

Is there a better starting value? Suppose you started without any score, or set it to None. Then you'd have to have a special case in all of your compares. The inf is used so that the algorithm always works, even on the first step.

CodePudding user response:

There can be two reasons:

  1. you must initialize with a value not larger than the maximum, which you don't know;

  2. after the fact you can detect situations such that no element was processed (and the value is still -inf).

This construct is often preferred to an alternative that sets the maximum to the value of the first element, because this can lengthen the code (and to a lesser extent, make 2 impossible).

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