i have just recently stated working with riverpod state mangement in flutter.
i have issue related to comunicate between to state providers.
here is my sample code:
class SomeClass_ONE extends stateNotifer <SomeState> {
SomeClass_ONE({required this.somevalue}):super(null);
final SomeCustomClass somevalue;
void methodOne(SomeState newstatevalue){
state = newstatevalue;
final someClassOneProvider =
((ref)=>SomeClass_ONE(somevalue: SomeCustomClass()));
now i have another state provider class as below
class SomeClass_Two extends stateNotifer <SomeStateTwo> {
SomeClass_ONE({required this.somevalue}):super(null);
final SomeCustomClass somevalue;
void methodtwo(SomeState newstatevalue){
state = newstatevalue;
final someClassTwoProvider =
((ref)=>someClassTwoProvider(somevalue: SomeCustomClass()));
now what i want to achhive is that on methodOne execution i have to listen that state cahnge and have to trigger methodTow and have to upate secondproviders state as well.
so how can i achive this without using Ref in class cunstroctors?
i have tried with ref.listner to trigger and have passed Ref in both class constructors. but as per some condition i can't use Ref directly in constructors as per some guideline followed by seniors.
CodePudding user response:
Try to use watch
provided by StateNotifierProvider
Try this code:
class SomeClass_ONE extends stateNotifer <SomeState> {
SomeClass_ONE({required this.somevalue}):super(null);
final SomeCustomClass somevalue;
void methodOne(SomeState newstatevalue){
state = newstatevalue;
// Listen to the changes in the state of the first provider and call the methodtwo of the second provider
someClassTwoProvider.watch((_) => _.methodtwo(newstatevalue));
CodePudding user response:
You can pass a Ref ref
object to the methodtwo
method and then call the necessary methods from other StateNotifierProvider
. In any case, to refer to other methods of other classes, you need to have a Ref