i'd like to delete these rows from a table in a postgres function as an array parameter:
{id1: 4, id2: 8}
{id1: 4, id2: 9}
{id1: 5, id2: 8}
that is, something like this:
delete from mytable
where (id1, id2) = ANY(Array [(4,8), (4,9), (5,8)])
which doesn't work* UPDATE: yes it does, but not in supabase. see below
but i know you can do this:
delete from mytable
where (id1, id2) in ((4,8), (4,9), (5,8))
and this:
delete from othertable
where id = ANY(Array [1,2])
i'd love to know if anyone has insight on how to accurately combine these. i've tried every combination i can think of. maybe i'm missing something obvious, or maybe i could use a temporary table somehow?
*the error for that attempt is cannot compare dissimilar column types bigint and integer at record column 1
, but both column types are definitely bigint
so actually this works fine, as demonstrated in the comments:
delete from mytable where (id1, id2) = ANY(Array [(1,3), (2,1)]);
my errors are from a bug in the supabase client that i was using to run postgres commands, i believe.
but here's a_horse_with_no_name's answer (and critical work-around thank you!) implemented in a function, putting here for posterity:
create or replace function bulk_delete (id1s bigint [], id2s bigint [])
returns setof bigint
language PLPGSQL
as $$
return query WITH deleted AS (
delete from mytable
where (id1, id2) in (
select id1, id2
from unnest(id1s, id2s) as x(id1, id2)
) returning *
) SELECT count(*) FROM deleted;
select bulk_delete(Array [1,1], Array [1,2]);
| 2 |
adding my supabase bug report for completeness
CodePudding user response:
The only way I can think of is to pass two arrays (of the same length) then unnest them both together so that you can use an IN operator
delete from the_table
where (id1, id2) in (select id1, id2
from unnest(array_with_id1, array_with_id2) as x(id1, id2);