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EXCEL VBA for great god help,


Try (Sub)

Dim KW, Su

With CreateObject (" InternetExplorer. Application ")

. Navigate "http://cmdpms.wilmar.cn"

The Visible=True

Do Until the readyState=4



. Document. GetElementsByClassName (" April - the input April - input - the default ") (0). The Value=(1, 4)
https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/Cells. Document. GetElementsByClassName (" April - the input April - input - the default ") (0). The Focus

. Document. GetElementsByClassName (" April - the input April - input - the default ") (1). The Value=(1, 9)
. Document. GetElementsByClassName (" April - the BTN April - BTN - primary April - BTN - long April - BTN - large ") (0). Click

End With

Set the Su=Nothing

The Set KW=Nothing

End Sub

Clearly assign a success, but some landed, prompt values is empty (red words)

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  • VBA