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Do you have the thinking of a folder encryption?


Do you have the thinking of a folder encryption?
1, don't compression software
2, do not use online software, we are going to self-developed
3, is not the way to use the low-level such as hidden,

CodePudding user response:

What folder encryption is why prevent,
Prevent the transfer loss, reference rar and zip, add a password to go, the new operating system can be handled as zip folder.
Could not be forcibly taken from computer is lost, the folder encryption system at reference Windows, right-click on the folder, regular, advanced, in order to protect the data encryption content.
To prevent the loss of the native file, refer to some encryption software on the market, the resident software filter file IO operations, read, write the encrypted,

CodePudding user response:

reference 1st floor bakw response:
folder encryption is why prevent what,
Prevent the transfer loss, reference rar and zip, add a password to go, the new operating system can be handled as zip folder.
Could not be forcibly taken from computer is lost, the folder encryption system at reference Windows, right-click on the folder, regular, advanced, in order to protect the data encryption content.
To prevent the loss of the native file, refer to some encryption software on the market, the resident software filter file IO operations, read, write the encrypted,

We are bank work, some customer's information confidential, if you use RAR encryption, each decompression/modify/encryption, is not very convenient, so I hope to develop a software, thank you

CodePudding user response:

Common document, as long as RAR don't turn off the window, open the edit directly, and then save, RAR prompts need save a modified file, then save in directly,

CodePudding user response:

refer to the second floor somepeople response:
Quote: refer to 1st floor bakw response:

What folder encryption is why prevent,
Prevent the transfer loss, reference rar and zip, add a password to go, the new operating system can be handled as zip folder.
Could not be forcibly taken from computer is lost, the folder encryption system at reference Windows, right-click on the folder, regular, advanced, in order to protect the data encryption content.
To prevent the loss of the native file, refer to some encryption software on the market, the resident software filter file IO operations, read, write the encrypted,

We are bank work, some customer's information confidential, if you use RAR encryption, each decompression/modify/encryption, is not very convenient, so I hope to develop a software, thank you

Look at Microsoft bitlock, direct use, very comfortable, including usb mobile hard disk, can the whole disk encryption, support Windows 7 above, unless you are still in the XP

CodePudding user response:

Microsoft bitlock is doing such a thing.

CodePudding user response:

I also want to do now, I have an idea don't know right, I think the principle of simulated disk, a large file, an index file, combine to encrypted files stored in a continuous file, index file save file name, size and location, the design program is encrypted, preservation, extraction

CodePudding user response:

With ifs file filter driver can be implemented, the current commercial encryption software is the principle of the code examples in the Windows SDK, as to whether or not you can read, to say,

CodePudding user response:

Does Microsoft bitlock has economic commission works

CodePudding user response:

'-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
'function description: use & lt; A href="https://www.baidu.com/s? BC E5 wd=% % 88% % 82% % E6 AE E7 E8 % BF % 90% % 96% % 97 & amp; Tn=44039180 _cpr & amp; Fenlei=mv6quAkxTZn0IZRqIHckPjm4nH00T1Y3rj64ujD3PHTYmHbsnj - W0ZwV5Hcvrjm3rH6sPfKWUMw85HfYnjn4nH6sgvPsT6KdThsqpZwYTjCEQLGCpyw9Uz4Bmy bIi4WUvYETgN - TLwGUv3ErH6YrjRzn10 "target=" _blank "& gt; Exclusive or operation & lt;/a> Encrypted file (mostly files can be encrypted)
'parameters description: key - key
'fileName - common fileName,
'encryptFileName - the encrypted file name
'return values: true - success, or false on failure -
'-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Private Function XOR_Encrypt (key As an Integer, fileName As String, encryptFileName As String) As Boolean
On Error GoTo errHandler
Dim inputFileNo As Integer
Dim fileBytes () As Byte
Dim length As Long
'open the file and stored in a binary array
The Open fileName For Binary As # inputFileNo
Length=LOF (inputFileNo)
If the length=0 Then
MsgBox "exit encryption: the file content is empty!" VbInformation, "tip"
The Exit Function
End the If
ReDim fileBytes (length - 1) As Byte
The Get inputFileNo, fileBytes ()
Close # inputFileNo
'the binary array for xor encryption
Dim As Long I
For I=LBound (fileBytes) To UBound (fileBytes)
FileBytes (I)=fileBytes (I) Xor key
'will be different or the encrypted binary array stored in the new file
Dim outputFileNo As Integer
The Open encryptFileName For Binary As # outputFileNo
Put outputFileNo, fileBytes
Close # outputFileNo

If Err. Number Then
MsgBox "error: in the process of encryption" & amp; Err, Description, vbCritical, "error"
Resume Next
End the If
End Function
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