Home > Software engineering >  To a great god for help (vb project can't open the (crying)
To a great god for help (vb project can't open the (crying)


Well, somehow suddenly can't open it, I had half a month of project  , to a great god help me analysis the reason

CodePudding user response:

At what wrong, have a picture to see

CodePudding user response:

Without error, is can't open the

CodePudding user response:

reference 1/f, Chen Chen reply:
quote what wrong, have any picture to see
for help

CodePudding user response:

VBP is a plain text file, you can use notepad to open, and copy and paste the content into this post, let everyone see,

CodePudding user response:

\ Windows \ \ SysWOW64 \ stdole2 tlb# OLE Automation
Object={648 b6 c6e a5603-2-101 - b - 82-000000000014} # 1.1 # 0; MSCOMM32. OCX
Startup="Sub Main"
ExeName32="engineering 1. Exe"
Path32=".. "
Name="engineering 1
"For HelpContextID="0"
FavorPentiumPro (tm)=0

CodePudding user response:

quoted zhao 4, 4/f, the teacher's reply:
VBP is a plain text file, you can use notepad to open, and copy and paste the content into this post, let everyone see,
hair, you see

CodePudding user response:

Project file can't see the form such as module files, if module file is still on the computer, and then manually add a,

CodePudding user response:

The overall backup of the original code directory,
And then create a new project, select the need to control and reference library, put them one by one before the forms, modules, file added class module,

CodePudding user response:

refer to the second floor weixin_40689481 response:
without error, is can't open the

Look at the pictures you as if you don't like the form files exist, if your form file on your hard drive and, open storage directory:
1, see if there are any *. VBP file, if there is a double click the file, should be able to open your project file,
2. If you have *. VBP file, but no *. FRM, illustrate the form file lost, such basic there is no way,
3, if you have *. VBP file, there are *. FRM, but open the *. VBP is still shown in your photos, after that the form file is not loaded into the project, you can right click on the [project], click on the [add files], find your form file to add, there are several forms file statistics for several times,
If there are other documents, such as *. Bas, etc. Also to be added to the project,

CodePudding user response:

Is not "project to open it," but you this is a "blank project",

The original poster on the content of the post 5 floor, affirmation is not complete,
At the very least, the first line of text is certainly not " \ Windows \ \ SysWOW64 \ stdole2 tlb# OLE Automation,
"Should be (the original poster said, type should be EXE engineering) : Type=Exe
Then should be like this: the content of the
Reference=* \ G {00020430-0000-0000 - C000-000000000046} # 2.0 # 0 # C: \ Windows \ \ SysWOW64 \ stdole2 tlb# OLE Automation

From the "second line" is cited MSCOMM32. OCX controls, this is a serial communication program,

Actually want to project the "reduction" (or refactoring) also is not too difficult,
Since this is your "yourself", what are the forms, the engineering standard module, etc., should be very clear,
Under the "ZhuTie" that open, add the corresponding module into engineering,

CodePudding user response:

Seems LZ didn't form file preserved to exit the VB compiled into an EXE file only, lead to such accidents, using MsComm control of communication engineering VBP file contents, in red word shows the form of engineering, module name
Reference=* \ G {00020430-0000-0000 - C000-000000000046} # 2.0 # 0 # C: \ Windows \ system32 \ stdole2 tlb# OLE Automation
Object={F9043C88 - F6F2 b2f49fb} - 101 - a - A3C9-08002 # 1.2 # 0; COMDLG32. OCX
Object={67397 aa1-7 fb1-11 d0 - B148-00 a0c922e820} # 6.0 # 0; MSADODC. OCX
Reference=* {00000200-0000-0010-8000-00 aa006d2ea4} \ G # 2.0 # 0 # C: \ Program Files \ Common Files \ System \ ado \ msado20 tlb# Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects Library 2.0
Object={0 aa - 11 d0 ecd9b60-23 - B351-00 a0c9055d8e} # 6.0 # 0; MSHFLXGD. OCX
Object={CDE57A40-8 b86-11 d0 - B3C6-00 a0c90aea82} # 1.0 # 0; MSDATGRD. OCX
Module=SaveJpg; SaveJpg. Bas
The Module=MainBas; MainBas. Bas

Object={831 fdd16 d2 - A9FC - 0000-0 c5c - 11 f8754da1} # 2.0 # 0; MSCOMCTL. OCX
Object={648 b6 c6e a5603-2-101 - b - 82-000000000014} # 1.1 # 0; MSCOMM32. OCX
Form=frmComm110728. FRM
The Object={BDC217C8 - ED16 CD - 956 - c - 0000-11 c04e4c0a} # 1.1 # 0; TABCTL32. OCX
Object={8 e27c92e - 1264-101 - c - our fleet a2f - 040224009} # 7.0 # 0; MSCAL. OCX
Object={86 cf1d34 d2 - A9FC - 0000-0 c5f - 11 f8754da1} # 2.0 # 0; MSCOMCT2. OCX
Form=frmchaxunNew. FRM
Form=frmStart. FRM
Form=frmCeshi. FRM

Reference=* \ G {56 bf9020-7 d0 a2f - 11-9482-00 a0c91110ed} # 1.0 # 0 # C: \ WINDOWS \ system32 \ MSBIND DLL# Microsoft Data Binding Collection
Startup="Sub Main"
Title="material performance test"
ExeName32="test_111026. Exe"
Name="engineering 1
"For HelpContextID="0"
FavorPentiumPro (tm)=0
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