Home > Software engineering >  New beginner, word macro modify the font to use, probably around 10 w word at a time, fastest to 10
New beginner, word macro modify the font to use, probably around 10 w word at a time, fastest to 10


Sub random imitate handwriting ()

Dim Ra As Range
Dim FontSize () As String
FontSize=Split (" 16.5, 16.5, 17, 18, ", "")
Dim FontName () As String
FontName=Split (" A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 ", ", ")
'a value to adjust font and the deviation of
'b value adjustment word spacing
'c value to adjust the line spacing
For Each Ra In ActiveDocument. Characters
VBA. Randomize
FontNameLength=UBound (FontName) - LBound (FontName)
FontSizeLength=UBound (FontSize) - LBound (FontSize)
Ra. The Font. The Name=FontName (Int (VBA. Rnd * FontNameLength) + 1)
Ra. The Font. The Size=FontSize (Int (VBA. Rnd * FontSizeLength) + 1)
Ra. The Font. The Position=Choose (Int (VBA. Rnd * 0.5) + 1, 1, 0.5, 0, 0.5, 1) + a
Ra. The Font. Spacing=Choose (Int (VBA. The Rnd * 1) + 1, 1.5, 1, 0.5, 0, 0.5, 1, 2) + b
If Ra=", "the Or Ra=", "the Or Ra=";" The Or Ra="'" Or Ra="" Or" Ra="" "Or Ra="" "Or Ra="!" The Or Ra=":" Then
'Ra. The Font. The Name="A1"
Ra. The Font. The Size="14"
Ra. The Font. The Position="0.5"
Ra. The Font. Spacing="1"
'ElseIf Asc (Ra) & gt;=48 And Asc (Ra) & lt; 57 Then=
'Ra. The Font. The Name="J2, J3 and J4"
ElseIf Asc (Ra) & gt;=97 And Asc (Ra) & lt;=122 Or Asc (Ra) & gt;=65 And Asc (Ra) & lt;=90 Or Ra=". "Or Ra=" (" Or Ra=") "the Or Ra=" (" Or Ra=") "the Or Ra=" ~ "Then
'Ra. The Font. The Name="J1, J2, J3 and J4, J5, A1, A2, A3"
End the If
If Ra=". "Or Ra=" "Then
Ra. The Font. The Name="A3"
Ra. The Font. The Size="16.5"
Ra. The Font. The Position="0"
Ra. The Font. Spacing="0"
End the If
If Ra=", "the Or Ra=", "Then
Ra. The Font. The Name="A3"
Ra. The Font. The Size="16.5"
Ra. The Font. The Position="0"
Ra. The Font. Spacing="- 5"
End the If
If Ra="0" Or Ra=", "Then
Ra. The Font. The Size="11"
Ra. The Font. The Position="0"
Ra. The Font. Spacing="0"
End the If
If Ra="top" Then
Ra. The Font. The Name="W3
"Ra. The Font. The Size="16.5"
Ra. The Font. The Position="0"
Ra. The Font. Spacing="0"
End the If

'For Each Ra In ActiveDocument. Paragraphs

'Ra. ParagraphStyle. LineSpacingRule=wdLineSpaceExactly
'Ra. ParagraphStyle. LineSpacing=Int (VBA. The Rnd * 1) + 1 + c

'With Selection. ParagraphFormat
'FirstLineIndent=CentimetersToPoints (0.35)
'End With

Selection. The Find. ClearFormatting
Selection. The Find. Replacement. ClearFormatting
With the Selection. The Find
. The Text="" "
. Replacement. Text=""
The Forward=True
The Wrap=wdFindContinue
. The Format=False
. MatchWholeWord=False
. MatchByte=True
. MatchWildcards=False
. MatchSoundsLike=False
. MatchAllWordForms=False
End With
Selection. The Find. Execute2007 Replace:=ReplaceAll
Selection. The Find. ClearFormatting
Selection. The Find. Replacement. ClearFormatting
With the Selection. The Find
. The Text="" "
. Replacement. Text=""
The Forward=True
The Wrap=wdFindContinue
. The Format=False
The MatchCase=False
. MatchWholeWord=False
. MatchByte=True
. MatchWildcards=False
. MatchSoundsLike=False
. MatchAllWordForms=False
End With
Selection. The Find. Execute the Replace:=wdReplaceAll
Application. ScreenUpdating=False
End Sub

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