Void CMyDrawDlg: : onm ouseMove (UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
//TODO: Add your message handler code here and/or call the default
The CDC * pDC=GetDC ();
If (m_bLButtonDown==true) {CClientDC dc (this); CPen pen (m_style m_width, m_color); Dc. SelectObject (pen); Dc. MoveTo (m_point); Dc. LineTo (point); M_point=point;
} CDialogEx: onm ouseMove (nFlags, point);
This is the code in the onm ousemove teacher said to write in onpaint or shaking will disappear but I write is not draw anything in the onpaint [face] monkey2:025 PNG [/face], every brother please help me [face] monkey2:018 PNG [/face] [face] monkey2:018 PNG [/face] [face] monkey2:018 PNG [/face]
CodePudding user response:
Hold the left mouse button to move and record the mouse trajectory, onpaint map pathCodePudding user response: