Everybody is good: In order to test the resolution of the printer, I generated a printer to print, image size is 3780 x 5346 (A4 paper 18 times 210 x 297), I let the pixel at the first line of black images, the second line of pixels is white and so on, the print effect is equivalent to about 5 mm drew 50 lines, the width of the generated images below (blank at the bottom of the intercepted by me, convenient to upload) : Normally printed effect should be below the left (distribution), the result type printer is on the right side of the situation (uneven distribution)
It is said that this kind of printer can meet this resolution, so I think, there is the printing effect is not uniform, is it because let it prints directly, control of the printer is not very fine, can't play the ability of the printer, so I want to directly use Windows API to control the printer (a printer driver itself does not provide API), and see if I can achieve the effect of the uniform, micro printer
I know call TextOut function can control the printer to print words, consult everybody what's API can achieve similar image pixel level of a line of black, a line of white line effect, thank you
CodePudding user response:
It is better to use the program (for example, opencv) in standard A4 paper size line painted on the canvas, generated JPG or PNG file, then print out Print control API I think is not the key