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MFC ADO connection Access database queries


Everybody, excuse me: under the MFC ADO connection Access database Open failure, prompt error is not specified, this is what causes?
The code is as follows:
In stdafx. H add
# import "c: \ program files \ common files \ system \ ado \ msado15 DLL" no_namespace rename (" EOF ", "adoEOF")

In CTestApp. CPP add
BOOL CTestApp: : InitInstance ()
AfxEnableControlContainer ();
if (! AfxOleInit ())
AfxMessageBox (L "OLE DLL failed to initialize");
Return FALSE;

In CTestDlg. H add
_ConnectionPtr m_pConnection;

In CTestDlg. CPP add
BOOL CTestDlg: : OnInitDialog ()
Retrieves the hr;
Try {
Hr=m_pConnection. CreateInstance (" ADODB. Connection ");
Hr=m_pConnection - & gt; Open (" E: \ \ database \ \ test accdb ", ""," ", adModeUnknown);

Catch _com_error (e)
Cstrings errorMessage;
ErrorMessage. The Format (_T (" Connect db failed: % s "), e.E rrorMessage ());//hint here "unspecified error"
AfxMessageBox (errorMessage);

The above code, please give a bosses, give directions, what is wrong, why even open Access database will be an error? We should be grateful for your younger brother in this,
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