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VB to write a program software help, thank you


Ws=23.45 * PI/180 'radian, obliquity
A=5.15 * PI/180 'white yellow Angle, arc
Y=Val (Text1. Text) 'year of calculation,
D=Val (Text2. Text) 'in the year to the date of the total number of days of
L=(y - 2000)/4 + 1 'known as J2000 system
=Int l (l) 'known as J2000 system, from the first to calculate the first year after year 2000 the number of leap year
T=((y - 2000) * 365 + D + l - 0.5)/36525 'since January 2000 12 when calculate Julian century
S=(218.31643 + 481267.88128 + 0.00161 * * t t ^ 2 + 0.000005 * t ^ 3)/360
X=Int (s)
S=(s - x) 180 * 360 * PI/' average lunar longitude, arc

H=(280.46607 + 36000.7698 + 0.0003 * * t t ^ 2)/360
X1=Int (h)
H=(h - X1) 180 * 360 * PI/' from vernal equinox to calculate the longitude of the average

P=(83.35345 + 4069.01388 * * t - 0.01031 t ^ 2-0.00001 * t ^ 3)/360
X2=Int (P)
P=(P - X2) 180 * 360 * PI/' average lunar perigee longitude

Ps=(282.93835 + 1.71946 + 0.00046 * * t t ^ 2 + 0.000003 * t ^ 3)/360
The x3=Int (ps)
Ps=(ps - x3) 180 * 360 * PI/' average longitude of the sun's perigee

N=(125.04452-1934.13626 * t + t ^ 2 + 0.00207 * 0.000002 * t ^ 3)/360
X4=Int (N)
N=(N - x4) 180 * 360 * PI/' radian value, average longitude of ascending node of the moon

COSI=Cos (ws) * Cos (A) - Sin Sin (ws) * * Cos (A) (N)
SinI=Sqr (1 - (COSI) ^ 2) 'Bai Chi Angle

I=Atn (tanI) 'results for arc

Sinv=Sin (N) * Sin (A)/Sin (I)
Cosv=Sqr (1 - (sinv) ^ 2)

V=Atn (sinv/cosv)
'results as the arc, gamma A
Sinz1=Sin (N) * Sin (ws)/Sin (I) 'there are some problems, A Ω
Cosz1=Cos (N) * Cos (v) + Sin Sin (v) (N) * * Cos (ws)
Z1=Atn (Sinz1/Cosz1) 'results for arc A Ω

Z2=z1 + s - N
'arc, the moon on the white from point A to calculate the average longitude, sigma
'the moon's orbit eccentricity
'the sun and the moon, the ratio of speed
U=z2 + 2 * e * Sin (s - P) + (5/4) * e ^ 2 * Sin (2 * 2 * s - P) + m * e * (15/4 + 263/16 * m) * Sin (2 * h + s - P) + m ^ 2 * (11/8 59/12 75/16 * * m + + (e ^ 2/m)) * Sin (2 * 2 * s - h) + 17/8 * m ^ 2 * e * Sin (2 * 3 * s - h - P) + 77/16 * m ^ 2 * e * Sin (2 * s - h + ps) 'radian value, since the auxiliary vernal equinox on the white of the moon really longitude
Sinc=Sin (l) * Sin (I)
'the delta the moon declination
Cosc=Sqr (1 - (sinc) ^ 2)
C=Atn (sinc/cosc)
'the radian value
Label5. Caption=c * 180/PI
Z3=Val (Text3. Text)
'degree, phi geographic latitude

B=0 To 23
'when the lunar

The total formula:
N north direction, e things direction
Fn=1/2 * Sin (2 * PI * z3/180) * (3 *) (sinc) ^ 2-1 - Cos (2 * PI * z3/180) * Sin (2 * c) * Cos (15 * b * PI/180) - 1/2 * Sin (2 * PI * z3/180) * (cosc) ^ 2 * Cos (30 * b * PI/180)
Fe=- Sin Sin (z3 * PI/180) * (2 * c) * Sin (15 * b * PI/180) + Cos (z3 * PI/180) * (cosc) ^ 2 * Sin (30 * b * PI/180)
This is the code to help me write a program to have icon and drawing fill text and buttons

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Charts and curves - a great god for help
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